To make an original deposit the depositor should:

1.1. Transmit the microorganism (mo) to the IDA (rule 6.1.)

NB. The shipping of mo is subject to national and international regulations.

1.2. Transmit to the IDA a written statement (rule 6.1.) containing:

  • the signature of the depositor
  • an indication that the deposit is made under the BT
  • an undertaking not to withdraw the deposit for the period specified in rule 9.1.(a)
  • the name and address of the depositor
  • detailed instructions for the cultivation and storage of the mo, and for the testing of its viability (b)
  • an identification reference (number, symbols, etc.) given by the depositor for the mo
  • an indication of the properties of the mo which are or may be dangerous to health or the environment, or a declaration that the depositor is not aware of any such properties
  • (c)
(a) Rule 9.1. specifies that the deposited mo is to be stored for a period of at least 5 years after the most recent request for the furnishing of a sample of the deposited organism was received by the IDA and, in any case, for a period of at least 30 years after the date of the deposit.
(b) Where a mixture of mo is deposited, the written statement must also contain descriptions of the components of the mixture and at least one method that would allow for the verification of their presence.
(c) It is strongly recommended that the written statement should contain the scientific description and/or proposed taxonomic designation of the deposited mo.
1.3. Fulfil all additional requirements of the IDA (d) (rule 6.3.):
  • deposit the mo in the form and quantity necessary for the purposes of the BT and its Regulations
  • furnish a duly completed form established by the IDA for the purposes of the administrative procedures of the IDA
  • draft the written statement (cf. 1.2.) in the language specified by the IDA
  • pay the storage fee
  • to the extent permitted by the applicable law, enter into a contract with the IDA defining the liabilities of the depositor and the IDA
(d) The IDA is to forward any such requirements and/or other amendments thereof to the International Bureau (see article 2 (xiii) of the BT).


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Last update: 7 May 1998
François Guissart