TIMESEC - Digital Time-stamping and evaluation security controls

Research project NO/B/007 (Research action NO)

Persons :

Description :

- to develop a complete digital time-stamping and electronic marking system and a method for the evaluation of security controls.

- to develop new solutions which optimize existing systems and better meet present requirements. A study will also be made of the problems of reliable digital time, electronic marking of documents, their relationship with the Trusted Third Parties (TTPs) concept which forms an essential component in any securitized system and a method for the evaluation of security controls. The work of the certification centre will be demonstrated on a personal computer or work station.

- to develop an evaluation method for security controls for use in digital time stamping but which are also applied in other information security services. This method will be validated in the application of the protocols studied, digital signature algorithms and hashing functions. The method will be used to improve future evaluation; it will play an important part in the standardization of future information security systems.

- to contribute to the consolidation of Belgian expertise in the field of securitized information systems, particularly as regards the procedure for security controls and to favour the installation of a Belgian evaluation centre designed to comply with the criteria laid down by the European Union (ITSEC).

Documentation :

Summary of the final report:
See Dutch version or French version

TIMESEC - Digitale Time-Stamping and the evaluation of Security primitives : final report    Brussels : Belgian Scientific Policy, 2003 (SP1169)
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