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Belgian researchers - Oceans

Becquevort, Sylvie

Dr. Sylvie BECQUEVORT has published 22 peer-reviewed papers on the dynamics of the microbial network in different aquatic ecosystems, including 10 in Antarctic ecosystem. She has obtained her PhD on the dynamics of microzooplankton in the Southern Ocean.
Her research interests focus on the study of the response of microbial network to climate changes in Antarctic ecosystems.

Specific questions addressed by her research includes:

  • The co-limitation of iron and carbon in the remineralisation of organic matter derived from algae.
  • The remineralisation in the twilight zone
  • The interaction between iron and organic matter
  • The link between genetic and functional bacterial diversity and explore how bottom-up (organic and inorganic nutrients) and top-down (grazing) do shape diversity.


  • Federal Science Policy
    • SPSD-II-Global Change: Assessing the sensitivity of the southern ocean’s biological carbon pump to climate change. 2001-2005 (BELCANTO II )
    • SD-Climate and Atmosphere (BELCANTO III)
    • SPSD-II-Support actions: BE-POLE cluster. 2005-2007
    • SPSD-II-Sustainable North Sea: AMORE-II (Advance Modeling and Research on Eutrophication) 2001-2006
  • Communauté Française de Belgique
    • SIBClimSea Ice Biogeochemistry in a climate Change Perspective (); 2002-2007
  • EU-FP5
    • Si-WEBS - Natural and anthropogenic modifications of the Si cycle along the land-ocean continuum: Worldwide Ecological, Biogeochemical and Socio-economical consequences). Marie Curie training Network. 2002-2006
  • EU-FP6
    • Network of Excellence ‘EUR-OCEANS’ (European Network of Excellence for Ocean Ecosystems Analysis 2005 – 2009

  • Research programme:
    • SPSD II: Antarctica V
    • SD: Antarctica VI
  • Research group: Université Libre de Bruxelles - Ecologie des Systèmes Aquatiques (ESA-ULB)
  • Research projects:
    • BELCANTO - Assessing the sensitivity of the Southern Ocean’s biological pump to climate change
    • SIBClim - Sea Ice Biogeochemistry in a CLimate change perspective
  • Related activities:
    • Sylvie Becquevort presented her work at 15 International symposium, including at three Gordon Research Conference on Polar Marine Science and at two international JGOFS Southern Ocean Symposium. She participated at three European and American JGOFS cruises in the Southern Ocean. She is invited by NSF for her expertise to the bacterial remineralisation of aggregates.
      She is key person to have an input on microbial dynamics in aspects of EU the end-to-end ecosystem operation from a Southern Ocean perspective EU Network of excellence EUR-OCEANS.
    • participation at PolePosition contest: French

List of publications

Peer reviewed papers

Billen G., Servais P., Becquevort S. (1990). Dynamics of bacterioplankton in oligotrophic and eutrophic aquatic environments: bottom-up or top-down control?. Hydrobiologia. 207: 37-42.

Billen G., Becquevort S. (1991). Phytoplankton-bacteria relationship in the Antarctic marine ecosystem. Polar Research. 10(1): 245-253.

Goeyens L., Tréguer P., Lancelot C., Mathot S., Becquevort S., Morvan J. (1991). Ammonium regeneration in the Scotia-Weddell confluence area during spring 1988. Marine Ecology Progress Sereries 78: 241-252.

Becquevort S., Mathot S., Lancelot C. (1992). Interactions in the microbial community of the marginal ice zone of the northwestern Weddell Sea through size distribution analysis. Polar Biology 12: 211-218.

Lancelot C., Billen G., Veth C., Becquevort S., Mathot S. (1992). Modelling phytoplankton and bacterial loop dynamics during sea-ice retreat in the Scotia-Weddell Sea area : Tentative budget of carbon cycling at the first trophic levels of the planktonic ecosystem. Marine Chemistry 35(1-4): 305-324.

Lancelot C., Hannon E., Becquevort S., Veth C., de Baar H. (2000). Modelling phytoplankton blooms and related carbon export production in the Southern Ocean : application to the Atlantic sector in Austral spring 1992. Deep Sea Research I. 47: 1621-1662.

Mathot S., Becquevort S., Lancelot C. (1992). Fate of sea-ice biotea at the time of ice melting in the north-western part of the Weddell Sea. Polar Research. 10: 267-275.

Becquevort S. (1997). Nanoprotozooplankton in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during early spring: biomass and feeding activities. Deep Sea Research II. 44: 355-373.

Servais P., Becquevort S., Vandevelde F. (1998). Comparaison de deux méthodes d’estimation du broutage des bactéries par les protozoaires en milieu marin. Rev. Sc. Eau. 11 : 617-626.

Becquevort S., Menon P., Lancelot C. (2000). Comparative study of the protozoan dynamics during early spring 1995 and late summer 1994 in the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean. Polar Biology. 5: 309-320.

Becquevort S., Smith W.O. (2001) Aggregation, sedimentation and biodegradability of phytoplankton-derived material during spring in the Ross Sea, Antarctica Deep-Sea Research II 48: 4155-4178.

Schoemann, V., Becquevort S., Stefels J., Rousseau V., Lancelot C. (2005) Phaeocystis blooms in the global ocean and their controling mechanisms : a review. Journal of sea Research 53: 43-66

Pasquer B., Laruelle G.-G., Goosse H. , Becquevort S., Schoemann V., Lancelot C. (2005) Linking Ocean Biogeochemical Cycles and Ecosystem Structure and Function: Results of the Complex Swamco-4 Model. Journal of Sea Research, 53: 93-108


Becquevort Sylvie (1999) Importance du Réseau Trophique Microbien dans l’Océan Antarctique; Rôle du Protozooplancton. PhD thesis, ULB, 285 pp.

Campaign reports

Becquevort S. (1989). The microbial loop. The expedition Antarktis (EPOS/leg 2) of RV "Polarstern" in 1988/1989, I. Hempel, P. H. Schalk & V. Smetacek, ed. , Berichte zur Polarforschung. 65 : 111-116.

Menon P. C. Lancelot & S. Becquevort. (1994). Dynamique du nano- et du microzooplancton : abondances, biomasses et activités d'ingestion. Publication IFRTP. Compte-rendus des campagnes antarctiques françaises.

Project reports

Billen, G., C. Lancelot, S. Mathot & S. Becquevort. (1990). Programme de recherches scientifiques sur l'Antarctique. Production biologique à la base du réseau trophique de l'Ecosystème Antarctique. Etude subsidiée par les Services de Programmation de la Politique Scientifique. Rapport particulier des résultats.

Lancelot C., S. Mathot, S. Becquevort, J.-M Dandois, G. Billen. (1991). Carbon and nitrogen cycling though the microbial network of the marginal ice zone of the Southern Ocean with particular emphasis to the northwestern Weddell Sea. Etude subsidiée par les Services de Programmation de la Politique Scientifique. Rapport final.

Lancelot, C., S. Becquevort , J.M Dandois, S. Mathot, T. de Henau. (1994). Ecological modelling of the planktonic microbial food-web. Etude subsidiée par les Services de Programmation de la Politique Scientifique. Programme Antarctique III. Rapport à mi-parcours.

Menon P., C. Lancelot, S. Becquevort (1995). Dynamique du nano- et du microprotozooplancton : abondances, biomasses et activités d’ingestion. Les rapports des campagnes à la mer ANTARES 2/ MD 78 à bord du Marion-Dufresne 26 janvier-23 mars 1994.
Lancelot, C., S. Becquevort, P. Menon, J.M. Dandois & S. Mathot. (1996). Ecological modelling of the planktonic microbial food-web. Programme Antarctique III. Service Fédéraux des Affaires Scientifiques, Techniques et Culturelles. Rapport final (75p.).

Dehairs, C. Lancelot, L. André, M. Frankignoulle, E. Deleersnijder S. Becquevort, D. Cardinal, T. Cattaldo, B. Delille, M. Elskens, N. Fagel, H. Goosse, E. Hannon, J. Navez, G. Probst,, V. Schoemann (2001), An integrated approach to assess carbon dynamics in the Southern Ocean. rapport final SSTC.

C. Lancelot, S. Becquevort, V. Schoemann, B. Pasquer. Estimation de la sensibilité de la pompe biologique de l’océan Austral au changement climatique. (Décembre 2001) Etude des processus liés au plancton et modélisation biogéochimique. Rapport intermédiaire Belcanto-2 (SSTC).

C. Lancelot, S. Becquevort, V. Schoemann, B. Pasquer. Estimation de la sensibilité de la pompe biologique de l’océan Austral au changement climatique. (Décembre 2002) Etude des processus liés au plancton et modélisation biogéochimique. Rapport intermédiaire Belcanto-2 (SSTC).

C. Lancelot, S. Becquevort, V. Schoemann, B. Pasquer. Estimation de la sensibilité de la pompe biologique de l’océan Austral au changement climatique. (Novembre 2003). Etude des processus liés au plancton et modélisation biogéochimique. Rapport intermédiaire Belcanto-2 (SSTC).

C. Lancelot, S. Becquevort, V. Schoemann, B. Pasquer. Estimation de la sensibilité de la pompe biologique de l’océan Austral au changement climatique. (Novembre 2004). Etude des processus liés au plancton et modélisation biogéochimique. Rapport intermédiaire Belcanto-2 (SSTC).

Tison J.L., Lorrain R., Verbeke V., Lancelot C., Becquevort S., Schoemann V., Chou L., de Jong J. (2003). Biogéochimie de la glace de mer dans les perspectives de changements climatiques. Rapport annuel.

Tison J.L., Lorrain R., Verbeke V., Lancelot C., Becquevort S., Schoemann V., Chou L., de Jong J. (2003). Biogéochimie de la glace de mer dans les perspectives de changements climatiques. Rapport annuel.

Symposium abstracts

Becquevort S., Servais P. (1988). Grazing and non-grazing bacterial mortality in marine and estuarine environments. Congrès NATO « Protozoa and their Role in Marine Process », Plymouth.

Becquevort S., Bjørnsen P. (1994). Nanoprotozooplankton and its feeding activities in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean in early spring 1994. Ocean Science Meeting. San Diego, California. EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 75(3) : 177.

Lancelot C., S. Becquevort, P. Menon, J. Piraux, J.-M Dandois (1995). Le modèle écologique SWAMCO : concept, paramétrisation et validation. ANTARES/SO-JGOFS workshop 1994, Brest, France.

Menon P., S. Becquevort, C. Lancelot (1995). Dynamique du nano-et du microprotozooplancton : abondances, biomasses et activités d’ingestion. ANTARES/SO-JGOFS workshop 1994, Brest, France.

Lancelot C., Becquevort S., Mathot S., Veth C. (1996). On the Paradoxical Nature of the Southern Ocean. EOS. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 76 (3): OS137.

Becquevort S., Menon P. (1996). Kinetics of Protozoan on two Types of Prey; Characterisation of Food Selectivity. EOS. 76 (3) : pp117.

S. Becquevort, C. Leblanc, C. Lancelot. (2000) Comparative study of biodegradability, aggregation and sedimentation in both Phaeocystis dominated ecosystems (the North Sea and the Ross Sea). 7th EMMS, Leeuwenhorst, Pays-Bas.

Lancelot, C., Rousseau, V. , Schoemann, V., S. Becquevort. (2002) On the ecological role of the different life forms of Phaeocystis. Proceedings of the EC workshop LIFEHAB : Life histories of microalgal species causing harmful blooms. Calvia, Majorca, spain , octobre 2001. Research in Enclosed Seas series. Vol 12 : 71-75.

V. Schoemann, S. Becquevort, J. Stefels , V. Rousseau, C. Lancelot. (2003) Phaeocystis blooms in the global ocean and their controlling mechanisms: what we know, what do we need to know. « European Geophysical Society ».

Complementary resources


Becquevort Sylvie
Faculté des Sciences
Campus de la Plaine
boulevard du Triomphe - 1050 Bruxelles
Phone: +32 2 650 59 92 - Fax: +32 2 650 59 93

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