Electronic publication of updated texts from the Belgian legislation

Research project AG/DD/002 (Research action AG)

Persons :

Description :

The public institutions benefiting from this project are the following:

- State council
- Ministry of internal affairs
- Chancellerie of the Prime Minister

The aim of the project is the implementation of a prototype model for electronic access to the updated legislative and regulatory texts for Belgium, their quality control and the electronic archiving of the old versions. In other words, every different text version should be available. In principle, each department should provide its own texts. A pilot project will be implemented for the judicial law corpus.

The relevant databases are:

- 'Belgian Official Journal' database from the Ministry of Justice (which is already available in PDF format on the website of the department);
- 'Justel' database from the Ministry of Justice;
- the decisions from the Supreme Administrative Court of Belgium, which are available in PDF format from September 97 onwards;
- the Chrono-database from the Supreme Administrative Court of Belgium, i.e. coordinated legal texts with referential versions which are yet to be computerised;
- the annotated 'Official Compilation of Laws and Decrees' of texts which is still on paper version.

The first task was to combine the Justel database with the Chrono-database, for the methodological, technical and judicial points of view and to make an electronic version of the 'Official Compilation of Laws and Decrees'. The second task will be to make an electronic version of the 'Official Compilation of Laws and Decrees' annotations. The application of the pilot project model to a coherent system of electronically interconnected databases could be a possible extension. This would also integrate a list of all the existing updating initiatives.

Documentation :

Projet Agora-Lex: résumé de la recherche  Dumortier, Jos - Devroey, Jean-Pierre  Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0667)
[To download

Agora-Lex project: samenvatting van het onderzoek  Dumortier, Jos - Devroey, Jean-Pierre  Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0668)
[To download

Projet Agora-Lex: rapport final    Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0914)
[To download

Projet Agora-Lex: finaal rapport    Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0915)
[To download