Info-Health - Health economics

Research project AG/DD/009 (Research action AG)

Persons :

Description :

The public institutions benefiting from the support measure are the following:

- Ministry of Public Health
- National Sickness and Invalidity Insurance Institute

The project will offer scientific and methodological know-how and aims at exploiting useful information for decision making in the health sector and making it available to external users.

It means that the scientific team has to give assistance to the restructuring of the databases needed for administrative daily use (DATABASES TO BE RECONSTRUCTED) in order to produce validated, standardised and documented statistics.
The team will also collaborate to the implementation of NEW DATABASES. These new databases will be polyvalent and publicly available and shall integrate the previous data. This work consists in the basic data interpretation, the creation of aggregated data as well as the production of new information combining different basic data.


1. For retreatment and new databases

- Support to the implementation of new or combined databases, to the improvement of existing databases (exploitation, harmonisation...) and to their updating. These databases are made for administrative purposes and the secondary products will be available for the public;
- Taylor made reports on specific topics for the administrations or the public;
- Database combining aggregated statistics, strategic indicators and documentation (= extended INFO-HEALTH, combined with ARIS) for a broad public.

2. For the valorisation

- Documentation for the databases;
- Support to the writing of executive reports and information notes;
- Support to the elaboration of feedback and benchmarking for the different partners;
- Implementation of the software ARIS 2 (including online help, technical documentation and new user guides), of software for data downloading, software Hopibase and mapping software;
- Support for CD-ROM production integrating data and software: new versions;
- Support for an Internet publication of the data and software on the administration website.

3. For the transfer to the administration

- INFO-HEALTH databases;
- Relevant sources and software (ARIS, HOPIBASE...), user guides and technical documentation;
- User guides for the products transfer to the administration (data treatment in Info-Health, data encoding, indexation, ... ).

Documentation :

  • SESA, UCL:

  • 1. De database Info-health can be found, via ARIS, on:

    Different softwares were also developed in this project and can be doawnloaded on the website of SESA:
    - Aris: Software enabling the selection, the treatment and presentation of data
    - MBDS: Minimal Clinic data for ambulant care
    - HOPIBASE: information on hospitals. This software developed in collaboration with RESO and the Steunpunt Gezondheid en Samenleving - VUB

    2. Info-Health is also linked to Sindbad, a system allowing access to databases from various institutions (National Institute for Statistics, Center for Labour Economics and UCL). See

    3. DOC-SANTE: database contains documents related to the health system (connected to the database DOCTES). Access via modem on demand (login to be asked at

    4. QUI-SANTE: database containing information on health actors, studies in universities. Access via modem on demand (login to be asked at

  • CGZ, VUB:

Analyse van de medische beeldvorming in klassieke hospitalisatie en daghospitalisatie op basis van gekoppelde MKG - MFG : eindrapport A - deel 1    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2003 (SP1145)
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Analyse van de medische beeldvorming in klassieke hospitalisatie en daghospitalisatie op basis van gekoppelde MKG - MFG : eindrapport A - deel 2/1 - tabellen en grafieken    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2003 (SP1146)
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Analyse van de medische beeldvorming in klassieke hospitalisatie en daghospitalisatie op basis van gekoppelde MKG - MFG : eindrapport A - deel 2/2 - tabellen en grafieken    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2003 (SP1147)
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Analyse van de factuur ten laste van de patiënt in klassieke hospitalisatie en daghospitalisatie op basis van gekoppelde MKG - MFG : eindrapport B - deel 1    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2003 (SP1148)
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Analyse van de factuur ten laste van de patiënt in klassieke hospitalisatie en daghospitalisatie op basis van gekoppelde MKG - MFG : eindrapport B - deel 2/1 - grafieken    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2003 (SP1149)
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Analyse van de factuur ten laste van de patiënt in klassieke hospitalisatie en daghospitalisatie op basis van gekoppelde MKG - MFG : eindrapport B - deel 2/2 - tabellen    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2003 (SP1150)
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Analyse van de factuur ten laste van de patiënt in klassieke hospitalisatie en daghospitalisatie op basis van gekoppelde MKG - MFG : eindrapport B - deel 2/3 - tabellen    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2003 (SP1151)
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The use of pathology-related parameters in explaining the variation of public expenditures on medical imaging : poster    Brussels : Federal Science Policy Office, 2003 (SP1152)
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