Creation of a database on reduction measures for the social security contributions

Research project AG/DD/20 (Research action AG)

Persons :

Description :

Public institution benefiting from the support measure: National Office for Social Security.

The project's objective is the construction of a database on quarterly/annual data on the different reduction measures of social security contributions for employers. For each different measure, this database will give the following qualitative and quantitative information from the LATG wage-career database maintained by the National Office for Social Security:

- general information (legal base and short description of the measure);
- the apparent impact of the measure on the labour market (population of worker involved by sector, gender...;
- the impact of the measure, compared to a situation where no measure is taken (impact on total employment, total wages, estimation of budget burden per newly created job...).


For each statistical series, the following work should be done:

- integration and presentation of existing statistical series;
- creation of downstream statistical series that will be available for the broad public;
- creation of statistical series for the assessment of policies;
- econometric study of the policy measures on employment, wages and social security contributions, a.o. via macro-economic interrelations.

Documentation :