Creation and exploitation of a meta-database of economic and financial data

Research project AG/DD/36 (Research action AG)

Persons :

Description :

The Belgostat database is the fruit of collaboration between the Federal Planning Office, the National Institute of Statistics, and the National Bank of Belgium. It contains chronological economic and financial series accessible to users by electronic means. The National Bank would like to make this data base accessible to a wider public via the Internet.


Given the abundance and complexity of the Belgostat data, it is desirable to develop convenient search tools giving non-specialist users easy access to the desired information. Scientific support is thus requested in order to develop a dynamic thesaurus for referencing the various chronological statistical series available.

Documentation :

Specification for the Belgostat thesaurus indexation interface : rapport final    Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2003 (SP1142)
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