Inventory of data collected from companies (ASA)

Research project AG/EE/071 (Research action AG)

Persons :

Description :

Project description

Assorted public institutions, along with others entrusted with public missions, collect data from companies for statistical purposes founded in law. Compiling an inventory of these data would enable a map of all the variables collected from companies to be visualised.
Designing such an inventory is of paramount importance for the systematisation of simplification measures to be implemented later on.
Indeed, an analysis of survey content, i.e. of the requested variables, would result in methodological comparisons with the contents of the administrative records and open up prospects for the regrouping of information, the network communication of non-confidential data, the redefinition of statistical needs, etc..
In this respect, analysis of European regulations and their impact in terms of rendering statistical requirements more complex (accuracy, rigidity of concepts, periods, etc.), not to mention the flexibility possibilities, will be given maximum attention.
The listing should be placed initially at the disposal of public institutions, followed by private ones, the idea being to substantiate simplifications. The project’s natural extension would be for it to be made available in electronic intranet form.

Developments to be implemented by the scientific team

- Compilation and dispatch of a questionnaire designed to list data collected and statistics drawn up by all the administrations (federal, regional, etc.).
- Analysis of questionnaire replies.
- Development of a listing of collected data, highlighting the possibilities for ‘file and data coupling’. This presupposes an analysis of data comparability, availability, etc.

End product expected from the scientific team

- Building-up of a structured listing of data requested by the statistical surveys conducted out with companies.
- Detailed set of specifications allowing the listing’s computerisation.

Valorisation of the result

The development of a (single) map of data collected for statistical purposes is in keeping motu proprio with a process geared to simplification and transparency.

- Clear presentation of all obligations in terms of statistics
- required from companies,
- implemented by the administrations responsible for collecting the data for the benefit of companies, administrations and political decision- makers.

- Accessibility to the databank for all public authorities and intervening parties in order to increase transparency and understanding of the aims pursued by the statistical mechanism.

- Network computerisation of this databank using an intranet associating collector administrations with all levels of authority.

- Improvement of statistical quality.


- Administration Simplification Agency (ASA)

- The ASA will be in charge of a project steering group comprising the following institutions:
NIS (National Institute of Statistics)
BNB (National Bank of Belgium)
Planning Office
Central Economic Council
Statistical Department of the Regions