Recruitment power of the federal government as an employer with regard to highly qualified personnel: charting its position and image within the labour market

Research project AM/01/006 (Research action AM)

Persons :

Description :

Personnel management by the federal government, more specifically the recruitment of highly qualified personnel in a labour market characterised by shortage.


The study will investigate federal government demands for highly qualified personnel in the years ahead. This demand will be contrasted with labour market offer: quantitative (offer in terms of school-leavers) and qualitative (expectations of school-leavers and young people in work). Points of focus will be derived from this and an investigation conducted into how the federal government might pursue a pro-active policy within the labour market in order to attract the necessary staff. Moreover, the study will look at aspects such as promotion opportunities for existing personnel.

Documentation :

De wervingskracht van de federale overheid als werkgever ten aanzien van hoog gekwalificeerd personeel : de arbeidsmarktpositionering en het imago in kaart gebracht  Parys, Myriam - Hondeghem, Annie - Steen, Trui  Gent : Academia Press, 2002 (PB5853)

De wervingskracht van de federale overheid als werkgever ten aanzien van hoog gekwalificeerd personeel: de arbeidsmarktpositionering en het imago in kaart gebracht : samenvatting    Brussel : DWTC, 2003 (SP1116)
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Bibliografic references :

Business Process Reengineering; or how tenable bottom-up participation in a top down reform programme  PARYS Myriam & THIJS Nick (EGPA) Staff participation and involvement in European public services". Oeiras, Portugal., 2003/Sep 

Hoe wordt u een aantrekkelijk werkgever? De wervingskracht van de federale overheid.  PARYS Myriam OCMW sisies, 2003/Sep 

Staff participation in the Belgian public sector reform.  PARYS Myriam The international journal of public sector management. 16(6):, 2003