The evaluation of public policies in Belgium

Research project AM/10/016 (Research action AM)

Persons :

Description :

The project addresses four themes:

- What is the significance of evaluating public policies as a scientific step and political process?
- What are the past and current evaluation practices at the federal level and what lessons may be drawn from them?
- Outside Belgium, what are the methods for institutionalising evaluation as an instrument for democratising and steering policies and management?
- What solutions may be envisaged in order to institutionalise public policy evaluation in Belgium?


The project targets three objectives:

- transmitting international knowledge and experiences with regard to the evaluation of public policies to the people responsible within cabinets and Belgian senior public administrators,
- assessing past and current practices at the federal level, and
- proposing alternative models in order to develop the evaluation of public policies in Belgium.

Documentation :

Evaluer l'action publique : état des lieux et perspectives en Belgique  Jacob, Steve - Varone, Frédéric  Gent : Academia Press, 2003 (PB5937)

De evaluatie van het openbaar beleid in België : samenvatting    Brussel : DWTC, 2003 (SP1119)
[To download

L'évaluation des politiques publiques en Belgique : résumé    Bruxelles : SSTC, 2003 (SP1120)
[To download

Bibliografic references :

Beleidsevaluatie : een sturingsinstrument voor het overheidshandelen  VAN AEKEN KOEN, JACOB STEVE & VARONE FRÉDÉRIC, Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheids Management, Brugge, Die Keure, n° 4, 2003 

Belgium : A Bioethical Paradise ?  SCHIFFINO NATHALIE, VARONE FREDERIC, in Bleiklie Ivar et al. Comparative Biomedical Policy: Governing Assisted Reproductive Technologies, London, Routledge, Coll. ECPR Studies in European Political Science,, 2003 

Cellules-souches et clonage en Belgique: quelle régulation?  SCHIFFINO NATHALIE Louvain médical, vol. 122, n°5, 2003/May 

Comparing Policy Design Across Countries: What Accounts for Variation in Art Policy?  ROTHMAYR CHRISTINE and VARONE FRÉDÉRIC, Uwe Serdült, ArcTimmermans, Ivar Bleiklie in Bleiklie, Ivar et al. Compar. Biomedical Policy: Governing Assisted Reprod. Technol., London: Routledge,, 2003 

Does federalism matter for biopolicies? Switzerland in comparative perspective,  ROTHMAYR CHRISTINE and VARONE FRÉDÉRIC, MONTPETIT ERIC  Swiss Review of Political Science, 9 (1),, 2003 

Procréation médicalement assistée : régulation publique et enjeux bioéthiques  SCHIFFINO NATHALIE et VARONE FREDERIC (dir.) Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2003