Evaluation, translation and distribution of recommendations for nursing practitioners based on probative data (GUIDELINES)

Research project AP/37 (Research action AP)

Persons :

  • Dhr.  DEFLOOR Tom - Universiteit Gent (UGent)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/10/2008-30/9/2009

Description :


The aim of the study is to create a selection of recommendations that constitute “good practise” in the nursing profession, drawn from guidelines based on sound scientific data, and then to make them available to nursing professionals in their own language (French or Dutch).

To achieve this objective, the research team envisaged the following six stages:

1. Study of needs: identification and prioritization

Initially an exploratory study carried out among nursing practitioners within the hospital environment will identify, in the form of recommendations, those themes and needs considered important. This will enable the identification of those subjects for which a real need for good practice guidelines exists. To this end, the participatory cooperation of all quality management coordinators and directors of human resources in Belgian hospitals will be requested via electronic questionnaire.

2. Analysis of tools to evaluate the guidelines

The AGREE program has been chosen, as it is the tool most widely validated and studied at the international level. Evaluation of the guidelines will be further completed by other well-proven scales, such as Cluzeau, Shaneyfelt and Grilli.

3. Analysis of the scientific literature

Based on the themes retained under point 1, an analysis of the literature will be undertaken, based on research equations equipped with filters.

4. Selection and evaluation of evidence-based guidelines

Based on the previous stage, only those guidelines demonstrating the best methodological quality and content will be retained. Evaluation of the selected guidelines will be undertaken by a team of at least two researchers.

5. Translation of the recommendations drawn from the guidelines

The concluding recommendations drawn from the guidelines will be translated into French and Dutch and the translation validated.

6. The final product accessible to the nursing profession

The recommendations, once translated, will be published on an Internet site and thus readily accessible to nursing professionals. Apart from these validated recommendations, visitors to the site will also find the research equation used in their selection, as well as a link to the original guidelines.

A test of user-satisfaction regarding the content of the site is also envisaged. It will include a review summary of the site and its user-friendliness.

Documentation :

Inventaire et mise à disposition de recommandations pour la pratique infirmière Le projet "guidelines" : rapport final     Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2009 (SP2126)
[To download

Inventarisatie en ter beschikkingstelling van aanbevelingen voor de verpleegkundige praktijk. Het project "guidelines" : eindrapport    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2009 (SP2127)
[To download