Panel study of Belgian households

Research project DB/DD/018 (Research action DB)

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This project's aim is to construct a longitudinal database on Belgian households. Individuals are followed in their family context via a yearly survey (panel method). Direct information is collected on any person aged 16 or above, indirect information on the children of the households. The survey topics make it possible to analyse itineraries in relation to: family composition, housing, income, well-being, employment, health, social integration, etc. The survey is integrated into Europanel (Eurostat), the third wave of the Belgian panel study having also been the first wave of Europanel. In the framework of Europanel, three institutions collaborate in conducting the survey: the CSB, a team at UIA, and one at the University of Liège. The coordination lies with the NIS. This new working structure requires the adaptation of the questionnaire and other documents of the PSBH and their insertion into the Eurostat instruments.

Furthermore, the UIA partner is conducting research into the life itineraries of women, central to which is the relationship between housekeeping and paid work.
The ULg analyses various topics with emphasis on the relationship between family problems and socio-economic problems.

In addition, the Centrum voor Sociaal Beleid collects other figures and data on the socio-economic situation of households, notably by extending a series of surveys that began in 1985.