Urbanisation and commuting

Research project DB/DD/064A (Research action DB)

Persons :

Description :


To write a monograph on "urbanisation and commuting".


1. Habitat nodes

At statistical sector scale and on the basis of habitat density, we seek to delimit "habitat nodes" independently of the municipality framework, so as to define morphological entities independently of administrative boundaries, often seen as functional boundaries. On this basis, it will be necessary to evaluate scattered habitat and diffuse urbanisation. The evolution of the population spread via node volume must also be studied.

2. Spatial analysis of urban regions

The authors will examine the internal structure of urban regions as divided into statistical sectors, through highly detailed analysis of internal urban differentiation.
They will use the major demographic and socio-economic indicators. They plan a systematic analysis of the various urban regions as multifunctional units.

3. Typology of the Belgian municipalities according to the degree of urbanisation

The authors intend to establish a typology integrating morphological and functional criteria. It would differ from previous typologies (61 & 70) by the introduction of the morphological aspect (cadastral data) and the choice of scale, i.e. the new municipalities (work at the scale of the old municipalities is impossible due to data inaccessibility).

4. Study of commuting according to the municipality of residence

To be studied:

- intensity of the phenomenon (in proportion to the resident working population)
- commuter profiles (according to the activity sector, the socio-economic profile, gender, and age)
- transits: frequency, distance, duration, and means of transportation

The regional similarities identified will be analysed in a dynamic perspective (by comparison with previous censuses).

5. Commuting to and from urban regions

Commuter flows to major cities and to regional cities will be analysed separately; the methodology applied is comparable to that used to study commuting on the basis of the municipality of residence. Special attention will be paid to defining the recruitment areas of the various urban centres. A dynamic approach must also be used for this topic.

6. Commuting to and from school

The analyses will concern:

- school location and size;
- transits: distance, duration, and means of transport;
- school recruitment areas

The project of Prof. B. Merenne-Schoumaker and that of Profs. H. Van der Haegen and E. Van Hecke constitute two aspects of the same research.

Documentation :

Urbanisation et navette  Mérenne-Schoumaker, B. - Van der Haegen, H. - Van Hecke, E. ... et al.  Bruxelles: Institut national de Statistique, 1998 (PB5287)

Werk- en schoolpendel  Mérenne-Schoumaker, B. - Van der Haegen, H. - Van Hecke, E. ... et al.  Brussel: Nationaal Instituut voor Statistiek, 1999 (PB5292)