Understanding the dynamics and consequences of young adult substance use pathways (ALAMA-nightlife)

Research project DR/76 (Research action DR)

Persons :

  • Mevr.  VAN HAVERE Tina - Hogeschool Gent (HOGENT)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/9/2016-31/8/2019
  • M.  HAUSPIE Bert - Hogeschool Gent (HOGENT)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/9/2016-31/8/2019
  • M.  SCHROOTEN Jochen - Vlaams expertisecentrum Alcohol en andere Drugs (VAD)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/9/2016-31/8/2019

Description :

Description of the project

It is widely known that drug use is abundant in the nightlife scene, costing –in extreme cases- young adult lives. These fatalities, as well as and non-fatal health incidents and other adverse consequences, are potentially preventable. Due to the upsurge in the European nightlife economy, the increase in illicit substance use and rapidly changing drug markets (high potency drugs, New Psychoactive Substances), a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of young adult’s patterns of use, transitions over time and short and long term consequences – both ‘in the moment’ and over time – is crucial for optimally informing preventive and legal policies. To provide this knowledge, a closer, in-depth and multidisciplinary look at drug use trajectories is proposed using a multi-method cross-national design.

The general objective of this multi-method study is to gain insight into drug use and nightlife participation in the European nightclub scene, to investigate how drug use patterns change over time as well as their short and long term consequences. With a number of complementary and innovative methodologies we will generate a unique and rich data set with a European scope, reflecting different cultures and drug markets to address a wide range of practice and policy based questions. The proposed study investigates momentary and longitudinal drug use pathways and their consequences in five EU countries (Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom). The project encompasses three study elements:

1. A longitudinal quantitative study with 12-months follow up (all countries),
2. Ecological Momentary Assessments (in NL, UK),
3. A drug use verification study using analyses of breath samples (in SE, BE).

These study elements each represent a work package (WP), distributed systematically across partners making optimal use of their expertise. An additional WP will provide the contextual basis for the project (with an overview of nightlife cultures in the different countries) and will manage and ensure the dissemination of findings.

This study is unique as it addresses the analysis of pathways in samples of young adults known to have above average use rates of illicit and other substances: young people regularly going to clubs and parties. Due to the range of innovative methodological elements to this project, detailed substance use profiles will be elicited within nightlife contexts to identify both distal and proximal factors associated with transitions in drug use and their consequences for the individual. The project will provide insight in differences and similarities between countries and cultures in drug use patterns and transitions between countries. These insights are pivotal to improve and tailor prevention and intervention efforts as well as legal and policy decisions.

Documentation :

  • DR/76 on the Drugs website

    ALAMA - Understanding the dynamics and consequences of young adult substance use pathways: A Longitudinal And Momentary Analysis in the European nightclub scene: Final Report on WP6 : final report  Van Havere, Tina - Rolanda, Sara - Petrilli, Enrico ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2946)
    [To download

    ALAMA - Understanding the dynamics and consequences of young adult substance use pathways: A Longitudinal And Momentary Analysis in the European nightclub scene: summary  Van Havere, Tina - Rolanda, Sara - Petrilli, Enrico ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2947)
    [To download