Policy instruments for sustainable development and the citizens'role

Research project HL/DD/05 (Research action HL)

Persons :

  • M.  ZACCAI Edwin - Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/3/1997-30/6/2001
  • Prof.  MORMONT Marc - Université de Liège (ULiège)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/3/1997-30/6/2001

Description :

This project deals with the relationship between sustainable development policy instruments and the role of the people. It aims to achieve in-depth understanding of the citizens’ role by means of both methodology and field research. The final goal is to facilitate the implementation of specific instruments in our country.

This research is justified by the need for changes in people’s lifestyles and consumption habits and the need to have the civil society support sustainable development policies. It strives to be both conceptual (contribution to the definition of sustainable development and its embodiment in policy instruments) and pragmatic (choice and configuration of instruments), so as to help decision-making.

The first stage will consist in taking a constructivist approach to the issue of sustainable development and its embodiment in policy instruments. This will require allowing for both the various traditions that subtend the concept and the discussions being waged about sustainable development. In the second stage we shall develop two community participation models.
- The first one will strive to produce a sociological and economic model of the ways in which the people rally to sustainable development based on their representations of the environment, the networks of relations that are involved, and how they fit with the instruments.
- The second model will analyse more precisely the ways in which the organised socio-economic operators (enterprises, consumers, associations, and municipalities) and their spokespeople help to define and model these instruments through their participation.
In the third stage we shall test the validity of these models through analyses of actual case studies concerning an advisory council, responsible consumption, and instruments for getting the citizens involved in regional development and management. Finally, the last stage will consist in writing a final report and recommendations and proposing a grid of methodologies to help decision-makers.

Documentation :

working paper n° 4: Instruments politiques du développement durable et rôle de la population
Edwin Zaccaï et Ariane Godeau (Université Libre de Bruxelles

)Working Paper n°5 (mars 98) : Instruments politiques, coordination et dynamiques de participation
Adant Ignace, Brandt Bernard et Mormont Marc (FUL - SEED)

Working Paper n° 22 (septembre ‘98) : Instruments politiques du développement et rôle de la population
E. Zaccaï (IGEAT-ULB) ;
M. Mormont (FUL)

Instruments politiques du développement durable et rôle de la population: rapport final  Zaccai, Edwin - Mormont, Marc - Mougenot, Catherine ..... et al.  Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0725)
[To download]  [Exhausted] 

Instruments politiques du développement durable et rôle de la population: résumé    Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0755)
[To download

Policy instruments for sustainable development and the citizens' role: summary    Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0756)
[To download