Law and economics regarding the choice of environmental policy instruments

Research project HL/DD/14 (Research action HL)

Persons :

  • Prof. dr.  PROOST Stef - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/9/1997-30/8/2001
  • Prof. dr.  BOES Marc - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/9/1997-30/8/2001
  • Prof. dr.  SANCY Mary - Université de Liège (ULiège)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/9/1997-30/8/2001

Description :

The project forms part of the "Levers for a sustainable development" programme - part 4: "Political instruments for sustainable development"; and part 6: "Socio-economic consequences of a policy for sustainable development".

The project answers the acute need for criteria in order to select environmental policy instruments. More specifically, criteria are sought for a systematic evaluation of every instrument. The project is therefore suitable for directly assessing environmental policy at the political, national and international level.

The project develops a methodology for evaluating the social costs of instruments for the sustainable development of the environment.

The project breaks new ground in four areas:
- It takes account of social costs as a whole (polluters, citizens and governments);
- It takes account of the life cycle of instruments throughout the regulatory chain (choice of standard instrument and its application, preservation and choice of sanction instrument);
- It takes account of legally imposed limitations and allows specific results from economic theory to be applied (Law & Economics);
- It analyses all possible instruments.

The methodology is evaluated on the basis of a case study.

The team comprises lawyers and economists. If necessary, it will be augmented by engineers.

The project has five parts:
- inventory of instruments;
- instruments throughout the regulatory chain: a manual adapted to the Belgian constitutional framework;
- an economic conceptual model for examining how instruments behave within a given legal framework;
- evaluation and adjustment of the model on the basis of a case study;
- systematic comparisons between instruments,

Documentation :

Law and economics and the choice of environmental policy instruments: final report = Recht en economie met betrekking tot de keuze van milieubeleidsinstrumenten: eindrapport  Billiet, C. - Boes, M. - Rousseau, S. ... et al  Brussel: DWTC, 2002 (SP1026)
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Het instrumentarium van de Belgische milieuwetgevers: bijlage A1    Brussel: DWTC, 2002 (SP1027)
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De juridische analyse van het milieubeleidsinstrumentarium als input voor een economisch conceptueel model: bijlage A2    Brussel: DWTC, 2002 (SP1028)
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Instruments et techniques du droit de l'environnement: l'abécédaire méconnu: annexe A3    Bruxelles: SSTC, 2002 (SP1029)
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The relative efficiency of environmental policy instruments in a second-best setting with costly monitoring and enforcement: annex B    Brussels: OSTC, 2002 (SP1030)
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Normstellingsinstrumentarium sanctie-instrumentarium: de randvoorwaarden ingevolge de algemene juridische context: bijlage C    Brussel: DWTC, 2002 (SP1031)
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Survey of empirical papers concerning monitoring and enforcement: annex D    Brussels: OSTC, 2002 (SP1032)
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Extra resultaten bij hoofdstuk 9: bijlage E    Brussel: DWTC, 2002 (SP1033)
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Recht en economie met betrekking tot de keuze van milieubeleidsinstrumenten: synthese    Brussel: DWTC, 2002 (SP1034)
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Law and economics regarding the choice of environmental policy instruments: summary    Brussels: OSTC, 2002 (SP1035)
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