Modular simulation of environmental, energy and mobility aspects of traffic policies

Research project MD/DD/23 (Research action MD)

Persons :

Description :

Research objectives

The first general objective of the proposal is to define and compare several transport policies through the use of a simulation tool, aiming on the environmental and energetical impact of traffic and focusing on the introduction of alternative energy sources. The creation and availability of a simulation tool allowing to implement a synthetic mix of measures and to analyse its effect on environment, mobility and energy usage contributes to the creation of a powerful policy instrument.
In a second place, it is being investigated whether the introduction of alternative energy sources for transport can in fact effectively contribute to the reduction of air pollution and how this introduction may have an influence on the reshaping of urban mobility.
The electric and hybrid solutions will be considered in priority, due to our significant experience in this field. Furthermore, other energy sources like hydrogen or natural gas will be treated.
A further objective is to assess a number of policies through the implementation of scenarios and the analysis of the simulation results.
The final objective of the proposal is to come to a synthesis of all these aspects and thus to offer a combination of technological, economical and ecological aspects which will result in a multidisciplinary approach of the transport and mobility problem, aimed at the use of electric and hybrid vehicles as well as other alternatives, defining thus the final goal of this proposal.


- definition of the requirements of the simulation tool
- development of the database of vehicles to be simulated
- an ecological and economical comparison between alternative and tradional fuels
- definition of possible policies and implementation in scenarios
- programmation of the software package
- execution of the simulations, analysis and interpretion of the results regarding pollution, energy consumption and mobility
- defining, implementing and analysing new scenarios
- global conclusion regarding various aspects :
- direct and indirect environmental pressures
- primary energy consumption
- influence on mobility
- influence on the use of alternative energy sources.

Potential users

Municipal authorities, Regional authorities, transport operators, urban and transport planners