Industrialization of STEP in Belgium

Research project NO/B/015 (Research action NO)

Persons :

  • De Heer  KESTELOOT Pieter - Centre de Rech. S&T de l'Industrie des Fabrications Métal. (CRIF)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/4/1996-31/3/1998

Description :

1. To accelerate the active application of STEP

Despite the importance of STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data), it must be admitted that the opportunities afforded by this international standard are not adequately recognized by business here and the Belgian contribution to it is minimal. Business is, however, actively seeking practical information. We intend, on the basis of a series of case studies in the exchange of information with commercial pre- and post-processors to:

- demonstrate the opportunities afforded by STEP and the efficacy of pre- and post-processors (for AP 203 and AP 214) for the mechanical engineering and subcontracting sectors;
- explain the STEP philosophy and the development of STEP standards to the industry. To this end the process of introducing STEP and its active application in data exchange in Belgian manufacturing companies should be accelerated.

2. The Acquisition of STEP modelling and interface techniques

It may in the future be necessary to provide support for EXPRESS and STEP for those who are developing CAD application software. STEP technology will be used as the basis for developing interfaces which can be coupled with CAE software using various systems. The use of EXPRESS and the development of an SDAI (Structured Data Access Interface) will be evaluated in a specific application such as the construction of matrices or metal sheeting. A prototype will be developed to :

- demonstrate and define the possibilities of the application of EXPRESS as a language for data modelling;
- demonstrate the possibilities and the methods for an SDAI;
- assess the existing support instruments for the development of STEP and product modelling;

This should enable Belgian software producers to familiarize themselves with the basic knowledge and methods needed for the development of STEP interfaces to facilitate the application of the technology in their work.

3. Preparing to keep track of STEP and contribute actively to it

The project is intended to offer support for the IBN in standardizing STEP. Apart from mastering STEP and its active application, existing skills and interests should be pooled to enable Belgium to participate actively in work on STEP so that:

- STEP standards are distributed more rapidly and on a wider scale;
- STEP standards are more effectively applied;
- by grouping and coordinating STEP standardization activities, the market needs of members of the CSTC and Belgian business in general will be better met.

Documentation :

Summary of the final report:
See Dutch version or French version

Industrialisatie van STEP in België : eindverslag    Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2003 (SP1176)
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