Checking the authenticity of food and feed products having specific quality

Research project NP/DD/05 (Research action NP)

Persons :

Description :

Beside the legal criteria regarding food safety and physico-chemical properties of food and agricultural products, authenticity is refers to specific additional properties. These properties may concern:

- the presence or absence of given ingredients in given proportions;
- the observance of production, transformation and preservation schemes;
- the guarantee of the geographic origin;
- the guarantee of the genetic origin.

These additional quality criteria may concern most of the food and agricultural products either from plants or animals. These criteria are mentioned for quality labels, products with guaranteed geographic origin and identification, products obtained through organic agriculture or through integrated production schemes. These production schemes are more friendly towards environment and fulfil the requirements of a sustainable agricultural policy and can contribute to the increase of the farmers incomes as well as to welfare of the country people.

It is obvious that the success of such quality policies relies on the respect of the mentioned quality criteria and the guarantee brought to the control of the specific requirements.

The main objective of the submitted proposal is to draw up an inventory at the national and international levels, of the products concerned (quality labels, observance of additional recommendations, the guarantee of geographic and genetic origin,...). This will help in identify the analytical requirements in this field and in supporting certification organisms in the quality insurance. The analytical methods in use or with promising potentialities in the field of authenticity will also be listed. A detailed bibliography on these methods will be undertaken.

Documentation :

Contrôle de l'authenticité des produits agricoles et agro-alimentaires attestant des qualités spécifiques : rapport final  François, Etienne - Fumière, Olivier - Michelante, David  Bruxelles : SSTC, 1999 (SP1083)
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