Method for measuring scuffing on returnable glass containers

Research project NP/DD/28 (Research action NP)

Persons :

Description :

The term « scuffing » indicates, in packaging circles, the surface changes occurring on glass containers when they successively pass through packaging lines. The combined action of the mechanical shocks and the chemical etch of detergent produces a wearing away of the privileged areas of the container which is visually revealed through whitish marks or rings.

In addition to the deterioration of the mechanical properties of the container, the worn appearance of the scuffed containers downgrades the image of the product and, by extension, that of the producer, in the eyes of the consumer. Excess scuffing therefore leads to packagers withdrawing the offending containers from the packaging lines.

It seems to be strategically important to reduce the problem of scuffing, in accordance with the wish expressed by the European Commission (directive 94/62/CE) to encourage reusable glass containers and to increase the rate of rotation of these containers. Solutions must be worked out by packager suppliers (manufacturers of packaging lines, glass-makers, producers of surface treatment and detergent, ... ). However, in order to develop these solutions, it is necessary to have equipment and a method of reference available so as to objectively assess the value of scuffing. At the present time, this standard method does not exist. The main aim of the project proposed here is therefore to draw up such a method and to design the appliance which will implement it.

The proposed project, entitled « Method for measuring scuffing on returnable glass containers » is scheduled over two years. The following results shall successively be obtained : characterisation of scuffing, definition of the measurement principle, production of a prototype then an operational measuring appliance, development and validation of the method (including definition of standard samples), research into the mechanical resistance of scuffed containers and definition of scuffing thresholds.

In addition to contributing to reducing the amount of waste by encouraging returnable glass containers, the development of a reference scuffing measuring method constitutes a tool indispensable for the analysis of packaging life cycles (LCA).

This method is also in keeping with the standardisation of beer bottles desired by the CBB (Confederation of Belgian Brewers) and tending towards a lightened standardised bottle. The measuring of the rate of scuffing caused by each bottling line enable the price of new bottles to be worked out. The brewers would then have to pay a price proportional to the damage caused by their packaging lines, so adhering to the policy of « polluter -payer ».

The expert knowledge of the Scientific Institute for the Glass Industry- Institut Scientifique du Verre (lnV), especially in the field of glass surface and its mechanical resistance, will enable this problem to be tackled on solid foundations. Its knowledge of the various players faced with the problem of scuffing as well as the (Belgian and international) committees called on to define standards in the field of packaging will put the InV in an ideal position to supervise the phase of assessment of the results of the project.

Documentation :

Méthode de mesure de scuffing sur verre d'emballage consigné: rapport final    Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0822)
[To download

Méthode de mesure du scuffing sur verre d'emballage consigné: résumé    Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0912)
[To download

Characterization of scuffing on returnable bottles: abstract    Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0913)
[To download