Belgian cluster on lake research in the framework of global climate change (BELLA)

Research project OA/15 (Research action OA)

Persons :

Description :

BELLA aims

• to create a Belgian network of expertise in limnology, limnogeology and paleolimnology, based on projects funded by the Belgian Science Policy
• to enhance the cooperation and communication between research teams involved with lacustrine paleo-climate/environmental studies and working on lakes in the Southern Hemisphere, from Antarctica over mid-latitude South America to equatorial Africa,
• to provide more visibility to lake research conducted in Belgium and
• to identify uncertainties and research priorities within the context of national and international research agendas.

The expected results and products are:

• A joint website as a forum for scientists and for lay men/the public at large
• Workshop proceedings (e.g., large/Southern hemisphere lakes), reports and extended abstracts
• Joint publications
• Movies (ENSO-CHILE, CLIMLAKE) and exhibitions (L. Tanganyika, Antarctica).
• Improved methodology of (paleo-)proxies (e.g., for reconstructing and assessing primary productivity)
• A Belgian consolidated expertise network
• Reinforcement of multidisciplinary perspectives of each network partner

Documentation :

Réseau belge de recherches lacustres dans le cadre du changement climatique global (BELLA) : rapport final    Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2008 (SP1899)
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