Towards an Integrated Acoustical and Thermal Approach of Buildings (TIATAB)

Research project P2/09 (Research action P2)

Persons :

  • Dr.  INGELAERE Bart - Belgian Building Research Institute (BBRI)
    Coordinator of the project
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 15/12/2006-31/12/2009
  • Dr.  VERMEIR Gerrit - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 15/12/2006-31/12/2009
  • Dr.  NEMERLIN Jean - Université de Liège (ULiège)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 15/12/2006-31/12/2009

Description :


In a sustainable development of the built environment, thermal insulation, noise control and sound insulation are most important issues. Thermal concept decisions often have major acoustical consequences and vice versa. Thermal and acoustical regulations are in separate documents, unlinked to one another which makes it very difficult for the building industry.
An optimized and integrated acoustical and thermal energetic approach, already in the preliminary project phase of products and buildings, is therefore highly desirable and will lead to numerous innovative systems, products and buildings.

Project description


The project associates acousticians, thermal and ventilation specialists and informaticians in a consistent research group. Instead of letting the integration of the different technical specialties up to the designer, contractor or building element producers, the aim of the project is to the specialists in the research group make this exercise for them. Therefore each specialist needs to acquire a more profound knowledge of the other themes to see links and possible conflicts between the distinguished disciplines.

The project further wishes to enhance this integration process and to put this know how at the disposal of the building sector by integrating the detailed technical knowledge and requirements of the different specialties in a user friendly software tool.


An important task of the project is the creation of important databases, linked to the software and containing the thermal and acoustical performance of materials and building elements. The information contained in these databases is - even independent of the software - extremely important for the building sector for tenders, renovation programs around the airports. Further more it stimulates industry to have their products and materials tested and to enhance their thermal and acoustical qualities.

The project wants to go even beyond the integrated design models towards virtual construction models: new developments in 3D-modelling based upon objects linked to an IFC-description (Industrial Foundation Classes) are in this context extremely important for the future. By this technology, acoustical and thermal calculation tools can be connected to architectural design programs such as REVIT, VECTORWORKS, ARCHICAD and others, making use of the data of the composing elements of a building (window, wall, door, ventilation grid,…). Each of these objects, as well as its connection with neighbouring objects, are completely documented in the program in IFC-objects. This evolution is important for the building element and material producing industry and the project considers this as part of the job to make industry aware of these evolutions.

In the next step, all developed tools are tested and improved while applying them to study-cases. With the acquired integrated knowledge of the different specialists in the research group and with the developed software tools, the research group wants to develop new “products”: integrated thermal and acoustical building directives, product development directives for new products (e.g. sandwich panels, doors, etc. …), possibilities for next generation integrated standards… And of course, the steps beyond the project will probably include innovation projects with the industry: combined knowledge is indeed a stimulating step towards industrial innovation.

Expected results and/or products

Next to the most important result, that is to say the acquired integrated know how that is useful in the development of new products, building guidelines, standards, etc., we can enumerate the following direct results of the project:
• The creation of freely accessible databases on the internet that offer advantages as well as to the users of the database as for the industry that puts its data on the databases;
• The development of users friendly software containing all extensive, complex technical information and requirements allowing the non-specialist to make correct and optimized thermal and acoustical design decisions;
• The development of thermal and acoustical integrated and optimized building guidelines that will be published by the BBRI-WTCB-CSTC and explained in series of conferences. Through networking (e.g. by the technical committees and the follow-up committee), one can expect that these guidelines will be rapidly applied in the extensive subsidized, renovation programs around the airports and major traffic axes in our country;
• The development of integrated design guidelines for new products (e.g. improved sandwich panels, door constructions, ventilation grids, etc.);
• With a high probability, one can expect innovation projects with industry after the end of this project;
• The realization of integrated thermal-acoustical quality labels for buildings what should lead to better buildings;
• Lectures (nationally and internationally), workshops and publications (printed and on the internet via the “Normen Antennes” Website) about the integrated approach and about the swift evolutions in the virtual building tools based on the IFC-approach;
• The obtained knowledge will help renovation subsidizing authorities to double the effect of their effort: get for the same money thermal AND acoustical good renovations. We could help make this happen by good prescriptions in the requirements, with the above mentioned guidelines and to assist them in future actions;
• Report to several Belgian and European standardization committees and research groups about this new approach. The disposal of a working group of mixed acousticians and non-acoustic building physicists with good knowledge of each others discipline (far beyond the passive general knowledge we all have now), able to form the nucleus for a new integrated approach in standardisation, legislation, the development of guidelines for and the development of innovative products, building elements and construction.

The results of such a research are definitely interesting for the environment, for the occupiers of buildings and for the global building industry in Belgium, still one of the major thriving pillars of the national economy.



B.B.R.I. (Department of Acoustics, building Physics and Equipment): this private research institute founded in 1960 performs scientific and technical research for the benefit of its members to which it supplies technical information, assistance and consultancy, and contributes in general to innovation and development in the construction sector.
K.U.Leuven (Laboratory of Acoustics and Thermal Physics): this laboratory conducts scientific research in acoustic and thermal fields.
CEDIA-ULg is the acoustical division of the University of Liège.

Contact Information


Bart Ingelaere
Belgian Building Research Institute (BBRI)
Département physique du bâtiment et Equipements
Av. Pierre Holoffe 21
B-1342 Limelette
Tel: +32 (0)2 655 77 11
Fax: +32 (0)2 653 07 29


Gerrit Vermeir
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven)
Laboratory of Acoustics and Thermal Physics
Celestijnenlaan 200D
B-3001 Heverlee
Tel: +32 (0)16 32 71 28
Fax: +32 (0)16 32 79 84

Jean Némerlin
Université de Liège (ULg)
(Centre d'Etude et de Développement en Ingénierie Acoustique - Institut Montefiore)
Campus Sart-Tilman B 28
B-4000 Liège
Tel: +32 (0)4 366 26 55
Fax: +32 (0)4 366 26 49

Follow-up Committee:

The follow-up committee is composed of contractors, architects, consultants, producers of building materials and elements, public authorities.

Sébastien La Fontaine - Saint Gobain Glass
Luk Vasseur - Wienerberger
Jean-François Diederickx - ESTIA Entrepries
Nicolas Plom - BANP
Raquel Proost - Sowaer Environnement
Michael Vanstraelen - CDM
Didier Raymaekers - Glaverbel
Rudi Geens - Aminal
Bernard Wallyn - Vlaamse Maatschappij Sociaal Wonen
Danny Geysels - Reynaers Aluminium nv
Etienne De Kempeneer - EDK
Marcelo Blasco - Blasco bvba
Stephane Faignet - IWT
Georges Allo - SPF Economie, PME, Classes moyennes et Energie

Documentation :

Towards an integrated acoustic and thermal approach in buildings (TIATAB) : final report  Ingelaere, Bart - Vermeir, Gerrit - Némerlin, Jean  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2011 (SP2250)
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