A model code of principles of general procedural law

Research project PC/02 (Research action PC)

Persons :

Description :

The research includes:
- an outline of the current organisation of case law in Belgium;
- a systematic inventory of principles applicable in the areas of the organisation of the judiciary, judicial competence, and procedure, as well as those applicable in executing court decisions, on one hand for the various courts of the judiciary, and on the other hand for the "extra-judicial" judges and juridictions;
- an inventory of the main problems and of the solutions proposed to date;
- integration of the research elements within a comprehensive report, in the light of the general principles of good judicial practice (art. 6 of the E.D.H.R., art. 14 of the International Treaty on Civil and Personal Rights);
- elaboration of a proposal, in the form of a "Model code of principles of general procedural law", based on the provisions of the Constitution and of the current Code of Justice, and including provisions for improving legal protection in ways indicated by the research.

Documentation :

Modelcode beginselen van algemeen procesrecht  Brems, Eva - Van Orshoven, P. - Lemmens, P. ... et al.  DWTC, 1996 (SP0335)