Legal protection in the application of genetics within and beyond the scope of public health

Research project PC/04 (Research action PC)

Persons :

  • Prof. dr.  NYS Henk - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/4/1992-31/12/1995

Description :

The study of human heredity or genetics is one of the achievements of contemporary medicine. For several reasons, the application of these techniques raises, in addition to the general medico-legal issues, a certain number of specific questions pertaining to legal protection.
The need for legal protection is experienced first of all by the person subjected to such techniques in the framework of medical assistance (see the pertinence of prenatal legal protection in this case). There is also a need of protection against the improper use or the abuse of these techniques outside the framework of public health.

Research in the field of comparative law is carried out in both of these areas, in order to evaluate as precisely as possible, at both the material and procedural levels, the need of legal protection, and to study possible solutions.
The pertinence of the research results lies in their contribution to the broad discussion within society that is a prerequisite to any legislation in the field of human genetics.

Documentation :

De toepassing van genetica: rechtsbescherming bij de toepassing van genetica in en buiten de gezondheidszorg  Nys, H. - Verschueren, K.  DWTC, 1994 (SP0337)

De franse bio-ethiekwetgeving
A. De bescherming van het menselijk lichaam: analyse van de parlementaire voorbereiding
  Nys, H. - Baeyens, A.  DWTC, 1996 (SP0338)