A national victims survey and analysis as a basis for optimising the effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy of the police and judiciary

Research project PC/09 (Research action PC)

Persons :

Description :

The research objective is to see how and to what extent the objectives and functioning of the police and criminal justice system are adapted to the phenomenon of criminality as it actually occurs and as it is experienced by the citizens themselves. Special attention is paid to what the citizens think and expect of these institutions.

The research is based on a survey of victims and yields basic data for evaluating possible adjustments of these public services. Concretely, an instrument is developed for conducting periodic surveys of victims.
On the basis of the data collected in the survey, we are beginning to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the institutions concerned.

Documentation :

Slachtoffers, politie en justitie: een nationale slachtofferenquête en -analyse als basis voor de optimalisering van de effectiviteit, efficiëntie en legitimiteit van politie en justitie  Hebberecht, P. - Colle, P. - Feys, J. ... et al.  Brussel: DWTC, 1998 (SP0573)
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