Financial harmonisation of social security

Research project PE/SS/04 (Research action PE)

Persons :

Description :

Analysis of the possibilities and difficulties inherent in setting up in Belgium, in the near future, a social security system that would treat all working people equally, whatever their status : self-employed, employee, or civil servant.

We shall examine whether it is possible to have the self-employed, employees, and civil servants all pay the same contributions for the same entitlement to benefits. The research is twofold, covering both the funding of social security (social security contributions) and the benefits of social security. The research will attempt to develop a harmonised model in both of these areas, one which can serve as a basis for all professional categories (employees, the self-employed, and civil servants). The research is based on work carried out in the framework of the SOCIURA project.

Documentation :

Financiele harmonisatie van de sociale zekerheid  Broekmans, Tom - Mathot, Axel - Van Langendonck, J.  Leuven: KUL, 1994 (PB5193)

Financiele harmonisatie van de sociale zekerheid  Mathot, Axel - Van Gorp, Koen - Put, Johan ... et al.  DWTC, 1996 (SP0318)