Analysis of the link between social security, salaries, and employment, at the international and sectorial levels

Research project PE/SS/07 (Research action PE)

Persons :

Description :

This analysis deals essentially with the international dimension of social security and will most often be carried out on a sectorial basis, given the behavioural differences between production sectors. Econometric estimation techniques will be used.
The analysis covers four topics, three of which will be examined at the international level, the first being related to the Belgian HERMES model.

1 perfecting the calculation of social security contributions in the HERMES model of the Federal Planning Office (Bureau Fédéral du Plan);
2 comparative analysis of active employment policies that involve reducing social contributions;
3 estimation employment functions, including social security characteristics as an explaining factor;
4 analysing the influence of social security on the level and structure of production factors.

Documentation :

Comparaison des systèmes de protection sociale dans le domaine des soins de santé, des retraites et des assurances chômage en Europe  Vanhuynegem, Philippe - Dispersyn, Michel - Guillaume, Yvan  SSTC, 1996 (SP0321)