Impact of organisational changes and resulting work stress on somatisation, biology and absenteeism

Research project PS/15 (Research action PS)

Persons :

Description :

Studying the impact of organisational changes in companies and the resultant work stress on the occurrence and chronic persistence of somatoform disturbances, biological dimensions, psychosocial (dys)function and absenteeism. The project strives to formulate suggestions about how to prevent work stress and thus avoid resultant employee dysfunction.

. Evaluation of the psychosocial health risks with respect to both objective and subjective working conditions in various companies.
. Creation of a preliminary database on the prevalence of somatisation and somatoform disturbances in the working population with regard to stressful working conditions.
. Determination of the specific psychosocial factors or dimensions which are harmful for the mental health of the individual, taking account of interpersonal variability and a range of mediating variables.
. Study of the "stress-health" relationship in, firstly, a global perspective, in particular via consideration of the organisational, social, psychological and biological dimensions and, secondly, in a dynamic perspective, via the application of a prospective study design.

Documentation :

De impact van organisationele veranderingen en resulterende jobstress op somatisatie, biologie en absenteïsme : eindrapport    Brussel :Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2004 (SP1291)
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Impact of organizational changes and resulting job stress on somatization, biology and absenteeism : final report    Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2004 (SP1292)
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Impact des changements organisationnels sur le stress au travail,
la somatisation, la biologie et l’absentéisme : résumé
    Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2004 (SP1293)
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De impact van organizationele veranderingen en resulterende jobstress
op somatisatie, biologie en absenteïsme : samenvatting
    Brussel :Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2004 (SP1294)
[To download

Impact of organizational changes and resulting job stress on somatization, biology and absenteeism : summary    Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2004 (SP1295)
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