Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE)

Research project PX/8/EO/03 (Research action PX)

Persons :

  • Dr.  DE MAZIERE Martine - Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (IASB-BIRA)
    Coordinator of the project
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/1/2005-31/12/2007
  • Dr.  CARLEER Michel - Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/1/2005-31/12/2007
  • Prof. dr.  MAHIEU Emmanuel - Université de Liège (ULiège)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/1/2005-31/12/2007

Description :

The three Belgian teams have been invited to contribute to the ACE Scisat-1 mission since its very beginning in 1998. The Belgian partnership in the ACE mission has been laid out in an Agreement signed between the Belgian Science Policy and the Canadian Space Agency in 2000. The Belgian partners are members of the ACE Science Team and have coordinating roles in the ACE validation programme (see ACE Validation and Ground-Truthing Plan at Final.pdf). The Belgian teams have committed themselves to provide independent data for validation, from NDSC-affiliated ground-based instruments and from other satellite experiments (e.g., GOMOS, SCIAMACHY), as well as independent ACE Level 2 data inverted with the Atmosphit retrieval code, and to work with the ACE Science Team on the retrieval/analysis of aerosol properties. There is also a commitment to perform operationally 4D VAR data assimilation of the ACE data, in collaboration with Canadian teams.

Satellite(s) or flight opportunity(ies):

- SciSAT-1

Field of research:

Earth Observation: Atmospheric Chemistry