Characterization of the effect of microgravity on vitamin D action in osteoblasts and Role of angiogenic factors in bone loss induced by hindlimb unloading

Research project PX/8/LP/10 (Research action PX)

Persons :

  • Prof. dr.  BOUILLON Roger - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
    Coordinator of the project
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/1/2005-31/12/2007

Description :

In normal adults, bone formation is in equilibrium with bone resorption. Skeletal unloading in humans and rats, as seen during spaceflight, induces a decrease in bone formation and a transient increase in bone resorption resulting in bone loss and compromised bone mechanical properties (1). Several experimental data indicate that osteoblasts function inappropriately in microgravity. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of this process will certainly contribute to the prevention and treatment of space flight induced osteopenia but also to age-related osteoporosis.

Satellite(s) or flight opportunity(ies):

- Biobox-6 on Foton-M3
- Biolab on ISS

Field of research:

Life Science:
- Biology: Cell & Developmental Biology
- Human Physiology: Bone & Muscle Research