Research into the spread of teleworking, its conditions and implications

Research project S2/001/04 (Research action S2)

Persons :

Description :

The research targets two objectives. Firstly, quantitative data will be compiled on the spread and characteristics of teleworking as regards the Belgian economy in general. Secondly, more in-depth insights will be sought in relation to teleworking’s application possibilities and organisational conditions (barriers, pressure points, enhancement provisions) and the implications for the organisation of labour and society with regard to four sectors of the Belgian economy. In order to achieve the first target, quantitative data collection will be arranged via a structured survey associated as closely as possible with the EMERGENCE project), while case studies will be used for qualitative data collection in order to achieve the second target. Both research components - quantitative and qualitative - are designed to allow contributions to be made to the development of (internationally comparable) indicators for teleworking.

The research aims are as follows:

- compilation of reliable and quantifiable data on the dissemination and characteristics of teleworking for the Belgian economy as a whole;
- production of more in-depth insights regarding teleworking’s application possibilities and organisational conditions, and its implications for the organisation of labour and society;
- provision of contributions - from both quantitative as well as qualitative research components - to the development of (internationally comparable) teleworking indicators.

The specific project tasks are as follows:

A. Coordination (HIVA)

A.1 coordination between the two research teams (HIVA-ULB)
A.2 coordination in respect of NOP, the body subcontracted to carry out the SME survey and compile the integrated database on teleworking in Belgium
A.3 communication and information exchange with OSTC contractors and other government authorities with contractual involvement

B. SME survey, analysis of the quantitative database on teleworking in Belgium (HIVA)

B.1 monitoring of execution of the SME survey by NOP (subcontractor)
B.2 analysis of the quantitative database on teleworking in Belgium
B.3 report on results from the analysis of the quantitative database on teleworking in Belgium

C. Qualitative case studies on teleworking in Belgium (HIVA-ULB)

C.1 development of qualitative research modalities (ULB, in collaboration with HIVA)
C.2 development of 12 case studies (8 by ULB, 4 by HIVA)
C.2 analysis of qualitative research results (12 case studies) (ULB, in collaboration with HIVA)
C.4 report on qualitative research results (ULB, in collaboration with HIVA)

D. Valorisation

D.1 drafting of final report (synthesis of reports listed under B.3 and C.4) (HIVA)
D.2 organisation of working meetings and workshops (HIVA, in collaboration with ULB and KUL’s Sociology Dept.)
D.3 valorisation of the research project (HIVA, in collaboration with ULB and KUL’s Sociology Dept.)

The first research area - analysis of the quantitative database on teleworking in Belgium - will be conducted by HIVA. At the same time, the SME survey will be conducted, meticulously tracked and coordinated by NOP (subcontractor). Analysis results will - where available and meaningful- be used during the selection of qualitative research cases and in support of the set of research instruments used during case studies.

The second research area - qualitative case studies - will be implemented in close collaboration between the two research teams. The team at ULB, in collaboration with HIVA and the Department of Sociology at KULeuven, will devise modalities for qualitative research, conduct 8 case studies (in Brussels and Wallonia), analyse the qualitative research results (in collaboration with HIVA) and report on these findings. HIVA will carry out 4 case studies (in Brussels and Flanders), compile a report section on these case studies and contribute to the concluding report on qualitative research.
The sections of the report compiled with reference to both quantitative and qualitative research will be converted into a synthesised final report by HIVA.
The Department of Sociology at KULeuven will be responsible for overall quality monitoring and for providing expertise and support.

Documentation :

Recherche sur la propagation, les conditions et les implications du télétravail : rapport final    Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2003 (SP1216)
[To download

Onderzoek naar de verspreiding, voorwaarden en implicaties van telewerk : finaal rapport    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2003 (SP1217)
[To download

Research into the spread of teleworking, its conditions and implications : final report    Brussels : Federal Science Policy Office, 2003 (SP1218)
[To download