Social security and employment: towards a new deal

Research project SE/D2/02 (Research action SE)

Persons :

Description :

On the basis of an inventory of Belgian practices pertaining to the link between employment, social security, wages, and other income, this project compares the advantages and drawbacks of three proposals for fighting unemployment, in the framework of social security:

(1) reducing social security contributions;
(2) sharing the available work;
(3) the universal benefit.

The project addresses aspects of these proposals that are controversial and not fully understood.

Documentation :

Social security and employment: towards a new deal: summary of the research  Kesenne, S. - Nicaise, I. - Spinneweyn, F. ... et al.  Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0687)
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Pour un pacte renouvelé entre sécurité sociale et emploi: résumé de la recherche  Kesenne, S. - Nicaise, I. - Spinneweyn, F. ... et al.  Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0685)
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Een nieuwe kijk op sociale zekerheid en tewerkstelling: samenvatting van het onderzoek  Kesenne, S. - Nicaise, I. - Spinneweyn, F. ... et al.  Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0686)
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Bibliografic references :

The Belgian national action plan for social inclusion 2001-2003: a preliminary evaluation.  NICAISE I., GROENEZ S., VLEMINCKX K., DEMEUSE M., & BERGHMAN J. K.U.L., HIVA, Dep. Sociologie, Afdeling Sociologie van Sociaal Beleid. Report of the non-gov. experts., 2003