The dynamics of social security in Europe

Research project SO/01/010 (Research action SO)

Persons :

  • Prof. dr.  BERGHMAN Jos - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/12/2000-28/2/2002

Description :

During the last two decades the welfare state has been confronted by important socio-demographic and economic transformations. These transformations dramatically changed the structural basis on which the welfare states were constructed. As a result, welfare states have been under considerable pressure to adapt themselves to these new structural circumstances.
This provided the setting in which the present research project about the evolution of the architecture of the social security was set up.

It concerns a short-term, preliminary investigation. The main aim was to document the current state of international theoretical knowledge about the development and transformation of welfare states in the post-war period. This would lead to a research proposal with relevance to the Belgian social security policy. This proposal, which is the main output of this project, should be the starting point for further investigation.

Documentation :

Dynamieken van de sociale zekerheid in Europa  Berghman, Jos - Debels, Annelies - Nijs, Kristine ..... et al  Gent : Academia Press, 2003 (PB5928)

Dynamiques de la sécurité sociale en Europe : résumé    Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2003 (SP1238)
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De dynamieken van sociale zekerheid in Europa : samenvatting    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2003 (SP1239)
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Dynamics of social security in Europe : summary    Brussels : Science Policy Office, 2003 (SP1240)
[To download

Bibliografic references :

De dynamieken van sociale zekerheid in Europa.  BERGHMAN J., DEBELS A., NIJS K., VERHALLE I. & VLEMINCKX K. Gent: Academia Press., 2003 

Dynamieken van de sociale zekerheid in Europa.  BERGHMAN J. e.a. Gent, Academia Press, 2003 

Een tweede eeuw sociale zekerheid. Sociale integratie in de 21ste eeuw  BERGHMAN J. & NAGELKERKE A In: J. Berghman, J., A. Nagelkerke, K. Boos, R. Doeschot & G. Vonk (red.) Honderd jaar Sociale Zekerheid in Nederland Delft: Eburon., 2003 

Gericht op de toekomst: sociale zekerheid en sociale cohesie  BERGHMAN J. & VERHALLE I. Honderd jaar Sociale Zekerheid in Nederland Delft: Eburon., 2003 

Honderd jaar Sociale Zekerheid in Nederland  BERGHMAN J., NAGELKERKE A., BOOS K., DOESCHOT R. & VONK G. (red.) Delft: Eburon., 2003 

Social Governance : een niet vervuld perspectief  BERGHMAN J. & NIJS K. In: Instituut voor Sociaal Recht KU Leuven. Sociale bescherming op nieuwe paden. Liber Memorialis Béatrice Van Buggenhout - Leuven: Universitaire Pers Leuven., 2003