Descriptive and comparative research on effectiveness and efficiency of human resources policy in support of a social innovative policy in the public institutions

Research project SS/D7/03 (Research action SS)

Persons :

Description :

An academic study of the personnel management currently pursued at government organisations by:

1. Developing instruments for research into work and organisation in government organisations;
2. Making concrete policy suggestions in the field of work and personnel policy in government organisations.

The study comprises three themed points of attention: the profile of the organisation, personnel management and the problem of work (organisation). A number of research instruments are developed or amended to this end for the private sector.

Documentation :

Personeelsbeleid in overheidsinstellingen: een beschrijvend en comparatief onderzoek naar de efficiëntie en effectiviteit van het personeelsbeleid binnen overheidsinstellingen, ter ondersteuning van een sociaal innovatorisch beleid  Buelens, M. - Van Den Broeck, H. - Vanlommel, E. ... et al.  DWTC, 1995 (SP0297)