
Research project SS/S06 (Research action SS)

Persons :

Description :

This resource centre:
- provides access to information on publications, research, legislation and the administration of justice in relation to immigrant groups in Belgium and abroad;
- provides access to statistical source material and data concerning these population groups;
- encourages the academic debate with regard to concepts, theories and methodology.

The first objective is achieved by developing and improving the six-monthly publication "Sybidi" - published by GREM - and developing and improving the bibliographical database managed by the HIVA.
The resource centre also publishes the results of new thematic bibliographical studies and draws up a balance sheet of academic research into immigration in Belgium.
In addition, the resource centre gathers quantitative data, collates them and makes them accessible to the research sector. The GREM sets up a demographic databank based on data in the National Register and places this at the disposal of researchers. The HIVA ensures, in coordination with GREM, the distribution of quantitative data on education, labour, new immigration, and other matters.
Finally, the resource centre establishes contacts with Belgian and foreign documentation and research centres, and cooperates in the organisation of academic seminars and study days.