Social and political system

Research project SS/S08 (Research action SS)

Persons :

Description :

This resource centre:
- sets up quantitative and qualitative databanks on political institutions, parties and other groups involved in political decision-making, the decision-making processes themselves and the application of the ensuing decisions;
- provides access to data on groups with a direct or indirect political influence (their activities, structure, interrelationship, manner of exerting influence).

These objectives are achieved by:
- setting up a databank on: socio-political studies, works and writings of politicians, administrative publications, primary data, sources and documents. Collaboration is sought in this context with other documentary databases.
- the creation of files on: the operation of political institutions and consultative bodies, the political parties, interest groups and power centres with an influence on the political decision-making process, the themes and mechanisms of the political decision-making process, important politicians, elections.
- the cataloguing of time-series and the creation of missing time-series with regard to the socio-political system.
- the compilation and distribution of a bibliography concerning the socio-political system.