Research into and determination of dosages and health effects incurred during the production of phosphates and use of plaster products in construction

Research project ST/10 (Research action ST)

Persons :

Description :


Evaluation of the possible health risks in various working situations where raw materials with high natural radioactivity are used or processed.


An evaluation will be made of the dosages incurred by different groups of workers as a result of the presence of natural radioactivity in certain products in current production and use.
Particular attention will be paid to the dosage incurred during the production of different phosphate products through the radon exhalation of the processed raw materials.
The gamma-dosage incurred during the maintenance of the vacuum system (if present) will be ascertained.
The health impact experienced in the construction sector when using certain finished products made by the phosphate industry particularly during the application of finishing layers based on plaster products - will be examined in detail.

Documentation :

Onderzoek naar de bepaling van de dosissen en gezondheidseffecten opgelopen bij de produktie van fosfaten en bij toepassing van gipsprodukten in de bouw: eindrapport  Heyde, K. - Poffijn, A.  Brussel: DWTC, 1999 (SP0968)
[To download

Estimation and evaluation of doses of radon exposure and related health hazards incurred in the phosphate industry and through the use of gypsum products in the building industry: executive summary    Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0969)
[To download