Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary evaluation of cervical and lumbar spinal column problems in hospital personnel, and the development and implementation of a primary prevention programme

Research project ST/11 (Research action ST)

Persons :

Description :


Ongoing analysis of earlier research, with a particular focus on the cervical spinal column.
Combination of the overall body of these results through analysis of factors (interdisciplinary). Development, application and evaluation of a prevention programme for lumbar and cervical problems experienced by hospital personnel.


- finalisation of earlier research;
- study of influences on the cervical spinal column;
- verification of combined factors by factor analysis;
- development of a primary prevention model, plus evaluation and adaptation of this model;
This model ought to be viewed as a global prevention model for all the possible causes and consequences of damage to the cervical and lumbar spinal column of hospital personnel, with particular attention to prevention during movement (lifting, raising) in the workplace.

Documentation :

Multi- en interdisciplinaire evaluatie van cervikale en lumbale werkvelkolomproblematiek bij ziekenhuis-verplegenden, met ontwikkeling en toepassing van een primair preventieprogramma: eindrapport  Clarijs, J.  Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0839)
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Multi- and interdisciplinary evaluation of cervical and lumbar spinal problems in hospital nurses, with the development and application of a primary prevention programme: executive summary    Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0970)
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