Detection, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of burn-out and work-related depression in workers employed in the service sector (primary and secondary prevention)

Research project ST/13 (Research action ST)

Persons :

Description :


Detection, diagnosis and treatment of burn-out and work-related depression. Primary and secondary prevention.


- Determination of the real incidence of burn-out and work-related depression;
- Cataloguing of causes;
- Study of the medical, social and financial implications;
- Identification of the characteristics of groups at risk of burn-out;
- Identification of two risk environments for burn-out (nursing and teaching personnel);
- Study of stress-related immunosuppression;
- Drafting of a specific description of the phenomenon of burn-out and of work-related stress in service-sector employees: important for correct
- Formulation of specific recommendations for primary and secondary prevention and a proposal for intervention.

Documentation :

Opsporen, diagnose, behandeling en preventie van burn-out en beroeps-gebonden depressie bij werknemers in de dienstsector, primaire en secundaire preventie: eindrapport  De Meirleir, K.  Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0841)
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Detection, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of burnout and career related depression in workers in human services and additional study of primary and secondary prevention: executive summary    Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0955)
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