Follow-up study into the toxic effects of carbon disulphide in the working environment

Research project ST/16 (Research action ST)

Persons :

Description :


Continuation of multidisciplinary research into the toxic effects of carbon disulphide at a Belgian viscose manufacturer.


- To evaluate the prognostic value of a number of (often discrete) changes to the health parameters of workers exposed to CS2.
To ascertain whether these changes are progressive in character.
- To verify whether reduced exposure to CS2 results in improved health.
- To establish the relationship between the biological monitoring data and the health parameters.
- To verify the effectiveness of the implemented technical changes on exposure and health parameters.

Documentation :

Follow-up studie van de toxische effecten van koolstofdisulfide in het arbeidsmilieu : eindrapport  Vanhoorne, M.  Brussel: DWTC, 1999 (SP0959)
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Follow-up study of the toxic effects of carbon disulfide in the occupational environment: executive summary    Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0960)
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