Use of very high-resolution spatial data for the monitoring of water and vegetation in urban areas

Research project T4/DD/50 (Research action T4)

Persons :

Description :

This feasibility study is proposed by the "Institut de Gestion de l'Environnement et d'Aménagement du Territoire" and the"Institut Bruxellois de Gestion de l'Environnement". The latter has built a geographical database in order to manage and plan the development of green and blue open spaces. This database was achieved through the use of aerial photography, topographic database and ground survey. To remain useful this database has to be updated and completed, which cannot be achieved by aerial photography (costs), nor by an exhaustive ground survey.

Therefore, this feasibility study aims to establish needs, technical and economical feasibility of high and very high-resolution satellite data for the monitoring of vegetation and water areas in urban zone.
More precisely, the objectives are:

- Update the mapping of vegetation types at 1 : 10 000 of some green open spaces;
- Monitor the annual evolution of some green open spaces in rapid mutation (such as fallows, railways banks, ...);
- Follow the vegetation state over a season for some green open spaces submitted to a hydric stress, a pest, or a particular anthropic pressure;
- Follow the state of some and ponds of some green open spaces;
- Assess areas of principal types of vegetation and of land cover of internal part of built blocks.

Results would be:

- A technical demonstration of very high resolution satellite data for the mapping, the updating and the monitoring of some green open space and some internal part of built blocks;
- An assessment of needs of IBGE and its technical and human means;
- An assessment of cost per task according to several scenarios to define with IBGE.