Controlling ethnic and nationalistic conflicts in Central and Eastern Europe in the light of the political and economic changes in the region : comparative study with a view to developing preventive diplomacy

Research project VP/05 (Research action VP)

Persons :

Description :

Since the disappearance of the communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe, the region has become the stage of an increasing number of ethnic and nationalistic conflicts. This evolution undermines the formation of a pan-European security community. The interest of the other European countries most certainly lies in attempting to block the escalation of ethnic conflicts in Central and Eastern Europe. This means there is a need for expertise in conflict control.

On the basis of a comparative study of ethnic and nationalistic conflicts in the region, the aim of this research is to get a clearer picture of the preventive approach to such conflicts. Predictive elements are indicated, that should it possible to identify potential destructive conflicts. Furthermore, concrete recommendations are made with a view to developing a constructive approach to ethnic conflicts in the region, at both the military and non-military levels. The Belgian authorities will benefit from the acquired expertise in determining their policy towards the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
This expertise will also give the Belgian authorities a good profile in such matters within the various military and non-military organisations of which our country is a member.

Documentation :

Bescherming van minderheden in centraal- en Oost-Europa: juridische bescherming van minderheden in de post-communistischelanden van Centraal- en Oost-Europa: een vergelijkende studie met het oog op de uitwerking van een meer effectieve preventieve diplomatie  Hardeman, H. - Malfliet, K. - Jackson, M.  DWTC, 1994 (SP0365)