Description, analysis, and future scenarios of intra- and inter-state conflicts in Black Africa

Research project VP/07 (Research action VP)

Persons :

Description :

The three majors powers (the USA, the EU, and Japan) will divide the zones of influence within a multipolar world. For several reasons, this will probably lead to a Euro-African area.

Peace, development, and stability depend in part on external factors. There are also destabilising regional and national interest. The future general security policy of the EU and Belgium towards black Africa must be based on partnership and a sharing of interests and not on the mere continuation of North-South relations.

The research first draws a map of previous conflicts and of the role of This project examines the various intra- and inter-state conflicts accompanied by violence, since the end of the cold war, in dub-Saharan Africa. The objective is to interpret them in terms of their pertinence to Belgian and European foreign policy.

The research involves making an inventory of conflict causes. We examine the possibility that some conflicts might not be permanently resolved. On the basis of an examination of conflict causes, potential conflicts are indicated.
An analysis of how conflicts are resolved will lead to an assessment of instrument or measures that help to resolve conflicts; it will further lead to determining which measure/instruments are effective according to the situation.

Are included : a confrontation of the means available in Europe and worldwide for maintaining and restoring peace in the Black African context, as well as the study of Belgian, European, and worldwide policies liable to contribute to restoring and maintaining peace in Black Africa.

We focus as completely as possible on the situation and evolution of Zaire, Rwanda, and Burundi, the three states of Central Africa with which Belgian African policy is most deeply involved

Documentation :

Conflicten in Sub-Sahara-Afrika een zoektocht naar verklaringen: twee gevalstudies: conflictoorzaken en mogelijke conflictoplossingen in Ruanda en Burundi, 1988-1993  Dupont, Patrick - Marijsse, S. - Reyntjens, F.  DWTC, 1994 (SP0367)