Security and cooperation in a Euro-African context

Research project VP/08 (Research action VP)

Persons :

Description :

The three majors powers (the USA, the EU, and Japan) will divide the zones of influence within a multipolar world. For several reasons, this will probably lead to a Euro-African area.

Peace, development, and stability depend in part on external factors. There are also destabilising regional and national interest. The future general security policy of the EU and Belgium towards black Africa must be based on partnership and a sharing of interests and not on the mere continuation of North-South relations.

The research first draws a map of previous conflicts and of the role of European powers. We the examine which means are available to the EU and to Belgium in the future :
- conditional aid
- institutional cooperation, e.g. via CE-ACP
- control of arms delivery
- the duty or right to intervene for humanitarian reasons

In the final report the link is established between the role of cooperation towards development, diplomacy, and possible military intervention, in the framework of a future African policy.

Documentation :

Vrede en veiligheid in Zwart Afrika  Doom, R. - Walraet, A. - Onghena, H.  DWTC,1994 (SP0368)