Exploiting the federal socio-economic databases


  • Responsible(s) Federal Science Policy: Van doninck Bogdan, Weil-Orfinger Catherine, Blommaert Wim
  • Final decision of the Ministers Council: 17/12/1993
  • Duration of the research: 1/3/1994 - 31/12/1998
  • Budget: 9,253,865.28 EUR
  • Research projects: 24

Accompanying committee:

Interior, Justice, Social Affairs and Public Health, Economic Affairs, Employment and Labour, National Institute of Statistics


1. Census Monographs

The objective of this sub-programme is to improve exploitation of the data from the decennial census, through the production of census-based monographs.
This data base, unique in that it covers the entire Belgian population, could certainly be better exploited than it is today. In addition to the volumes of statistics published by the NIS, which present the data in tables, there are many other possibilities for further data processing.

This sub-programme provides funds for a more detailed statistical analysis of the areas considered in the census. Variables will be correlated (regression, trend analysis, multivariate analysis, typologies, detailed mapping ) and data from other sources will be included in the analysis (National Register, European Employment Survey, the Socio-economic and Demographic Panel Study of Belgian Households ). By comparing the data from the various sources, it will be possible to assess the reliability of the data and sources.

2. Databases Projects

In this sub-programme of the programme "Exploiting the Federal Socio-economic Databases", the aim is to extend the exchange of data and expertise among administrations and university researchers in a more structured manner than was the case under the Social Sciences and Public Economics programmes.
Public institutions may thus call upon the expertise of the various universities, while the latter benefit from a greater accessibility of administrative statistics and from the know-how of the administrations.


1. Census monographs

The census monographs are produced in collaboration with the NIS. The NIS supplies the basic data of the census to the research teams, who use the data to produce monographs thanks to programme funding.

The monographs have been divided into three topic-based groups: demographic topics, socio-economic topics, and geographical topics (see annexed list). In the latter group is included a socio-economic census atlas. Each group works under the direction of a coordinator.

2. Databases Projects

The administrative databases sensu stricto are not the only ones taken into account in the scope of this programme. Several databases are also developed by universities (as was already the case under the Social Sciences programme).

The databases concern:

- political opinion and the electoral behaviour of Belgians;
- the socio-economic and demographic situation of Belgian households.

In the latter case, for instance, a socio-economic and demographic panel study of Belgian households is implemented through collaboration between the various university institutions, the NIS, Eurostat, and the OSTC.

The databases projects are grouped under the headings: Work, Health, Panel Study of Belgian Households, Public Opinion Survey, and Other Topics.

Research projects:

DB/DD/011: Exploiting the administrative health-related databases

DB/DD/013: Labour market data interface

DB/DD/015: Demography interface

DB/DD/016: Public opinion and politics in Belgium. Longitudinal survey of electoral behaviour

DB/DD/018: Panel study of Belgian households

DB/DD/031: Criminological data interface

DB/DD/032: Data concerning income and its use. Construction of an integrated database

DB/DD/033: Poverty and social exclusion. Exploiting existing databases

DB/DD/034: Labour market data and women's studies

DB/DD/035: Labour market and unemployment. Exploiting existing databases

DB/DD/036: Security of existence. Exploiting the data of the panel study on Belgian Households

DB/DD/037: Employment and socio-professional insertion. Exploiting the data of the panel study of Belgian households

DB/DD/041A: Evolution of the population: age and gender. Spatial mobility of the population

DB/DD/041B: Migrant populations in Belgium

DB/DD/044: Households and families

DB/DD/046: Nuptiality and fertility

DB/DD/051: Schooling, educational level, and professional insertion

DB/DD/052: Women's employment and segregation

DB/DD/053: Employment and regional socio-economic structures

DB/DD/054: The spatial dimension of employment

DB/DD/061: Housing. Socio-economic and geographical dimensions

DB/DD/064A: Urbanisation and commuting

DB/DD/064B: Census atlas

DB/DD/067: European Community Household Panel


De eerste lijn in beweging: forfaitaire geneeskunde als structureel alternatief voor prestatiegeneeskunde? Louckx, Fred - Van Wanseele, Carine  Brussel: VUBPress, 1998 (PB5083)

Vrouw en management Van Haegendoren, Mieke - Valgaeren, Elke - Woodward, Alison ... et al.  Diepenbeek: Limburgs Universitair Centrum, 1998 (PB5188)

Oudere vrouwen Steenhaut, Jenny - Van Haegendoren, Mieke - Geerts, Christel ... et al.  Diepenbeek: Limburgs Universitair Centrum, 1999 (PB5189)

Sociale correcties in de ziekteverzekering: balans en toekomst Louckx, Fred - Van Wanseele, Carine  Brussel: VUB, 1998 (PB5194)

Ménages et familles Lesthaeghe, R. - Lambert, A. - Boulanger, P-M ... et al.  Bruxelles: Institut national de Statistique, 1997 (PB5283)

Emploi et structures socio-économiques régionales Vandermotten, C. - Colard, A. - Marissal, P. ... et al.  Bruxelles: Institut national de Statistique, 1997 (PB5284)

Emploi féminin et ségrégation Van Hoof, Krista - Van der Haegen, H. - Lesthaeghe, R. ... et al.  Bruxelles: Institut national de Statistique, 1997 (PB5285)

Scolarisation, niveau d'instruction et insertion professionnelle Mainguet, Christine - Marc Demeuse  Bruxelles: Institut national de Statistique, 1998 (PB5286)

Urbanisation et navette Mérenne-Schoumaker, B. - Van der Haegen, H. - Van Hecke, E. ... et al.  Bruxelles: Institut national de Statistique, 1998 (PB5287)

Huishoudens en gezinnen Lesthaeghe, R. - Lambert, A. - Deboosere, P. ... et al.  Brussel: Nationaal Instituut voor Statistiek, 1997 (PB5288)

Tewerkstelling van vrouwen en segregatie Van Hoof, Krista - Van der Haegen, H. - Deboosere, P. ... et al.  Brussel: Nationaal Instituut voor Statistiek, 1997 (PB5289)

Scolarisatie, onderwijsniveau en inschakeling in de arbeidsmarkt Mainguet, Christine - Demeuse, Marc  Brussel: Nationaal Instituut voor Statistiek, 1998 (PB5290)

Huisvesting in sociaal-economisch en geografisch perspectief 1981-1991 Goossens, L. - Thomas, I. - Vanneste, D. ... et al.  Brussel: Nationaal Instituut voor Statistiek, 1997 (PB5291)

Werk- en schoolpendel Mérenne-Schoumaker, B. - Van der Haegen, H. - Van Hecke, E. ... et al.  Brussel: Nationaal Instituut voor Statistiek, 1999 (PB5292)

Algemene Volks- en Woningtelling op 1 maart 1991: de allochtone bevolking in België Eggerickx, T. - Kesteloot, C. - Poulain, M. ... et al  Brussel: Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Nationaal Instituut voor de Statistiek, DWTC, 1999 (PB5373)

Recensement Général de la Population et des Logements au 1er mars 1991: Le Logement: réalités socio-économiques et géographiques 1981-1991 Ministère des Affaires Economiques - Institut National de Statistique - SSTC  Bruxelles: Ministère des Affaires Economiques, 1999 (PB5374)

L'évolution de la population, l'âge et le sexe Debuisson, M. - Eggerickx, T. - Hermia, J.-P. ... et al.  Bruxelles: Institut National de Statistique, 2000 (PB5586)

La Belgique, diversité territoriale Mérenne, B. - Van der Haegen, H. - Van Hecke, E.  Bruxelles: SSTC, 1998 (SP0577)
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België ruimtelijk doorgelicht Mérenne, B. - Van der Haegen, H. - Van Hecke, E.  Brussel: DWTC, 1998 (SP0578)
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Marché du travail et chômage: valorisation de banques de données existantes, la STAT.92' Bardoulat, Isabelle - Dejemeppe, Muriel - Saks, Yves  SSTC, 1998 (SP0581)
[To download

Exclusion de l'assurance-chômage et réinsertion sur le marché du travail De Lathouwer, Lieve - Kristel Bogaerts - Perelman, Serge  Bruxelles: SSTC, 2000 (SP0587)
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Schorsingsbeleid in de werkloosheidsverzekering en herintrede op de arbeidsmarket: een onderzoek in opdracht van de RVA en de DWTC De Lathouwer, Lieve - Kristel Bogaerts - Perelman, Serge  Brussel: DWTC, 2000 (SP0588)

De eerste lijn in beweging: forfaitaire geneeskunde als structureel alternatief voor prestatiegeneeskunde? Louckx, Fred - Van Wanseele, Carine  Brussel: VUBPress, 1998 (PB5083bis)
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