Survey Climate Services Users


A. In which way are you affected by climate change?
Has your organization / institution been positively or negatively affected by climate change over the past years? Please specify

Rate the level of climate change impacts you expect your organization / institution to face in the future? Please specify briefly
(a) very high
(b) high
(c) average
(d) low
(e) no impacts
(f) positive impacts
Which of the following environmental impacts are most relevant for your organization / institution? (select as many options as necessary)
(a) storms / wind extremes
(b) heat waves / high temperature
(c) droughts / water scarcity
(d) floods
(e) heavy precipitation
(f) wet spring / summer
(g) low tide
(h) sea level rise
(i) shift of seasons
(j) reduction of ice shelves
(k) others (please specify): 
What kinds of climate change impacts do you expect for your organization / institution in the future? (select as many options as necessary )
(a) change of ecosystems
(b) increase of risks on resourcing and / or selling markets
(c) increase of damages to buildings or infrastructure incl. roads, energy supply etc.
(d) increased requirements for risk assessments
(e) others (please specifiy):  

B. What kinds of climate services do you need?
What is your understanding of a climate service?

Which climate services do you already use? (select as many options as necessary)
(a) data
(b) maps, graphics
(c) methods
(d) workshops
(e) early warning systems
(f) decision support tools
(g) processed data
(h) metadata
(i) consultancy
(j) financing support
(k) strategy / concept development
(l) implementation support
(m) synthesis reports
(n) guidance documents
(o) tools
(p) others (please specifiy):  
What are you using climate services for?

From where do you obtain the climate services? Please name up to five providers

How regularly do you obtain climate services? (select as many options as necessary)
(a) daily
(b) weekly
(c) monthly
(d) quarterly
(e) once a year
(f) unregularly / event driven
Do you pay for climate services?
For which time period do you require, or anticipate requiring, climate services?
(select as many options as necessary)
(a) past
(b) present
(c) seasonal
(d) future until 2040
(e) future until 2070
(f) future until 2100
How is uncertainty communicated?
(a) different types of uncertainties included
(b) quantification of uncertainties
(c) qualitative description
(d) information on biases
(e) information on robustness
On which spatial scale do you need climate services? (select as many options as necessary)
(a) local, where?
(b) regional, where?
(c) national, where?
(d) global
(e) point data
(f) area averages
Which parameters do you need?
(a) min. temperature
(b) max. temperature
(c) mean temperature
(d) number of dry days
(e) wind speed
(f) wind direction
(g) precipitation
(h) extreme precipitation (e.g. exceeding once in ten years events)
(i) cloud cover
(j) snow cover
(k) others (please specifiy):  
Do you need additional data or indices?
(a) socio-economic data
(b) emission scenarios
(c) hydrology
(d) ecosystems
(e) groundwater level
(f) demographic data
(g) elevation
(h) aridity index
(i) drought index
(j) evaporation data
(k) others (please specifiy):  
Do you need specific information on Africa or Antarctica? Please specify briefly.

Which channels did you chose to get in contact with the service provider? How did the contact happen?

In which way are climate services delivered by the providers?
(select as many options as necessary)
(a) printed material
(b) digital data
(c) workshop
(d) individual consultancy
(e) within networks
(f) newspaper / journals
(g) TV, radio
(h) social media (Twitter, Facebook)
(i) others (please specifiy):  
From your point of view, what are criteria for a high quality climate service?

Which climate service could also be important for your organization / institution?
Why are you not using it already?

Do you provide climate services yourself?
yes, please specify:

C. Who is using climate services?
In which sector is your organization / institution working?
(select as many options as necessary)
(a) agriculture
(b) forestry
(c) water
(d) tourism
(e) energy
(f) building and habitation
(g) natural hazards / emergency
(h) catastrophe management
(i) health
(j) biodiversity
(k) transportation
(l) land use planning
(m) urban / green space planning
(n) finance / insurance
(o) edibles (food and drinking)
(p) waste management
(q) social structures
(r) politics / legislation
(s) education
(t) consultancy
(u) research
(v) media
(w) economics / trade
(x) others (please specify):  
What category does your organization / institution belong to?
(a) public institution
(b) university
(c) state / administration
(d) private company
(e) non-profit organization
(f) others (please specifiy):  
Which of the following groups do you belong to? (select as many options as necessary)
(a) research
(b) consultancy
(c) decision-making
(d) politics
(e) NGO
(f) media
(g) end user (e.g. engineer)
(h) teaching
(i) lobbying
(j) others (please specifiy):  
What is your position within your organization / institution?

How many employees are working in your organization / institution?
(a) 1 to 10
(b) 11 to 50
(c) 51 to 200
(d) 201 to 500
(e) more than 500

D. Comments


The questionnaire will be evaluated anonymously.
If you wish to remain involved in the consultation please fill out the following table.

Personal Data
Organization / Institution
Contact Person


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