First Call

Themes & budget

The first call of the DEFRA programme covers the following research themes, with their indicative budget:

  Indicative budget in K€
Theme 1: NEET
Employment of NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) for Belgian Defence
Theme 2: SEHS
Small Energy Harvesting systems for Defence applications
Theme 3: SPACE
Space technologies for Defence applications

There is no maximum project budget set. However, applicants should take into consideration the total available budget for each theme. The objective is to develop a project with the most efficient use of public resources.

The number of projects that will be funded per theme depends on the evaluation of the proposals and the requested budget per proposal. It is envisaged to have 1 or 2 projects funded for each of the themes. Budget transfers between the themes are possible.


Activity Deadline
Launch of the first DEFRA call 01/03/2021
Information session 08/03/2021, 14h00 - 16h00
Deadline Pre-proposals 22/04/2021, 14h00
Evaluation result pre-proposals 17/05/2021
Deadline Full proposals 30/06/2021, 14h00
Remote scientific peer review evaluation 01/07/2021 > 15/08/2021
Feedback to applicants in preparation of panel meeting end August 2021
Deliberation by Scientific committee 15/09/2021
Panel evaluation, incl. interviews with the applicants beginning September 2021
Selection proposal formulated by the scientific committee of the RHID mid-September
Final selection of proposals by the board of directors of the RHID and allocation of projects beginning October
Signature contracts 01/12/2021



The pre-proposals as well as the full proposals must be electronically created, elaborated and submitted via the online submission platform.
The template for the full proposals is made available on the website. However, after the evaluation of the pre-proposals a maximum of five pre-proposals per theme will be invited to submit a full proposal.


  • Deadline Pre-proposals: 22 April 2021 - 14h00
  • Deadline Full proposals: 30 June 2021 - 14h00