About the Belgian Federal North Sea Research Programme
International Cooperation
> BiodivERsA
The ERA-NET scheme is a highly innovative component of the European Union's (EU) Framework Programmes.
ERA-NET is designed to encourage the creation of close, long-term links between national research programmes with shared goals.
In the short term it will facilitate to exchange views and good practices on regional, national and European research programmes in specific fields.
In the long term, ERA-NETs are expected to lead to more sustained forms of collaboration, including the strategic planning and design of joint research programmes, the reciprocal opening of national research programmes to researchers from other member countries, and the launch of fully transnational programmes jointly funded by more than one country.
Towards integrated European marine research strategy and programmes (SEAS-ERA)
SEAS-ERA, as an overarching marine FP7 ERA-NET, is of strategic importance for the European Research Area. Several European strategic fora (e.g. ESFRI) and European Commission’s Communications (e.g. Communication on Joint programming – 2008) have emphasised marine research as a field where major synergistic benefits can be reached by improving the coordination of research and infrastructure investments. SEAS-ERA overall objective is to facilitate the establishment of a stable and durable structure for strengthening marine research across the European Sea Basins. To do so the project brings together 20 major European Marine Research Funding Organisations from 20 countries in the basin regions of the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, and the Marine Board-ESF.
SEAS-ERA aims to:
2. Cooperation and shared strategies for biodiversity research programmes in Europe (BIODIVERSA2)
The loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystems are major scientific and societal challenges. Addressing them and providing scientific support to policy requires a coherent research framework, with coordinated strategies and programmes at the regional and international levels, which are the relevant scales for many biodiversity issues. By networking 21 funding agencies from 15 countries, BiodivERsA2 aims to strengthen the ERA on biodiversity. Building on the experience of the ERA-Net BiodivERsA, but with a wider, more balanced network, BiodivERsA2 will promote a strategy for biodiversity research, in partnership with other players in the field, and will organize joint funding to better integrate biodiversity science.
The objectives are to:
1. Co-ordination of National and Regional Marine
RTD Activities in Europe (MARINERA)
MarinERA is a partnership of the leading
Marine RTD Funding Organisations in 13 European Member
The MarinERA project main objectives are to:
2. European Concerted Action to foster prevention
and best response to Accidental Marine Pollution (AMPERA)
The AMPERA consortium consists of 10 organisations
from 8 European countries. All these organisations have
initiated and manage a national strategic research programme
on accidental marine pollution or have related programmes
in different degrees of development.
AMPERA aims at:
3. Research for the understanding of European & Overseas
biodiversity (BiodivERsA)
Biodiversa is an ERA-net project where 19
European research funding agencies seek best practice as
a basis for cooperation in order to strengthen European
This particular project aims at setting up efficient trans-national co-operation
in the field of biodiversity research funding. Also contributing to the EU Biodiversity
Strategy, BiodivERsA will allow the funding agencies to collate existing activities,
compare future strategies and recommendations of consultative bodies and systematically
explore opportunities for future collaboration.
4. Climate Impact Research Co-ordination for a Larger Europe
Climate impact analysis and adaptation response
must be informed by a coherent body of research and it
is CIRCLE´s prime objective to contribute to such
efforts by networking and aligning national research programmes
in the 19 CIRCLE partner countries. The Implementation
of a European Research Area (ERA) for climate change is
CIRCLE’s final goal.
5. Scientific Knowledge for Environmental Protection - Network
of Funding Agencies (SKEP)
The SKEP ERA-NET is a partnership of 15 government
ministries and agencies, from 11 European countries, responsible
for funding environmental research. The project aims to
improve the co-ordination of environmental research in
The objectives include: delivering better value for money for our research; encouraging
innovation through more efficient use of research funding; and the improvement
of environmental protection capability by setting down foundations for co-ordinating
research programmes.