27-02-2023 - Single permit or scientific visa
Single permit or scientific visa: choice of procedure
The date of application of the demand (whether it is a first application or an extension) is essential to know which procedure applies. To benefit from the old procedure (without a single permit), the application must be introduced before 01/03/2023.
The starting date of the hosting agreement is also important. The hosting agreement cannot start after 31 May 2023 if the application is submitted before 1 March.
Hosting agreements that start after 31 May 2023 but are submitted before 1 March will not be accepted.
In conclusion:
09-02-2023 - Ukraine
Ukrainian nationals can, under certain conditions, benefit from a temporary protection regime. Information is also available in Ukrainian.
More information on https://dofi.ibz.be/en/themes/ukraine
06-12-2022 - The transposition of Directive 2016/801
Transposition of the European Directive 2016/801
The publication date of the Royal Decree amending the Royal Decree of 8 October 1981 on access to the territory, stay, establishment and removal of foreigners, concerning researchers, trainees and volunteers is now Friday 23 December. The entry into force itself remains unchanged. The dates are 01/01/2023 for the job-seeking year, trainees and volunteers, and 01/03/2023 for researchers and intra-EU mobility of researchers.
10-11-2022 - Hosting agreement
New provisions for researchers under a hosting agreement
On Wednesday 9 November, the law of 21 August 2022 was published, amending the law of 15 December 1980 on access to the territory, residence, establishment and removal of foreigners with regard to researchers, trainees and volunteers.
Read more in Dutch or French
15-09-2022 - Residence permit renewal
Federal Ombudsman calls for urgent solution for foreigners waiting to renew their residence permit
Read more in Dutch or French
03-08-2022 - EARTO
EARTO Paper on Current Hurdles to Mobility of Researchers
EARTO summarizes the hurdles to mobility of researchers in a position paper. EARTO points out that if those hurdles are not treated carefully, they will hinder the European efforts to increase international researcher mobility, the strengthening of the European Research Area and the success of mobility instruments within Horizon Europe.
The full paper
29-07-2022 - Job
ADDE is recruiting a legal expert (m/f/x) in immigration law.
Deadline: August 26, 2022.
More info...
28-07-2022 - The transposition of Directive 2016/801
Researchers' bill: transposition of Directive 2016/801
The bill has been discussed in the plenary session of the Chamber. You can find more information in Dutch or in French
23-06-2022 - Meeting
Meeting with the Brussels-Capital Region on the single permit
At the initiative of BELSPO, a meeting is being organised with the Economic Migration Directorate of the Brussels-Capital Region to discuss the new provisions regarding the hosting agreement and the single permit.
When? 6 October, 14:00.
Where? Preferably at BELSPO and in person.
For whom? Any organisation located in the Brussels-Capital Region that wishes to recruit researchers from outside the EU.
As places are limited, if you wish to take part in this meeting, please contact bernard.delhausse@belspo.be.
24-05-2022 - The transposition of Directive 2016/801
In the framework of the transposition of Directive 2016/801 , the scientific visa will be incorporated into the so-called "single permit" procedure. The hosting agreement will remain valid, but the rules and procedures for economic migration will apply to researchers. The entry into force of these provisions is postponed to 1 March 2023 (instead of 1 December 2022 as originally planned). The provisions concerning trainees, volunteers and the researcher's job-seeking year will come into force as soon as possible after the publication of the law.
31-03-2022 - The transposition of Directive 2016/801 is entering its final phase.
The transposition of Directive 2016/801 is entering its final phase. The so-called "scientific visa" procedure will be integrated into the Single Permit procedure. This new procedure will enter into force on 1 December 2022. All applications submitted until that date will still be processed under the old procedure. The scientific visa with host agreement is therefore still valid. More information in the coming weeks.
18-09-2020 - Restrictions on movement within the European Union
Keep up to date with the latest developments regarding restrictions on movement within the European Union (from inside or outside).
05-05-2020 - Immigration office
Impact of Covid-19 on administrative procedures
01-03-2019 - Since 3 January 2019, the Single Permit Directive 2011/98/EU is implemented in Belgium
In order to hire a researcher without a hosting agreement, the employer must introduce a demand near the regional authority in charge of employment and work, that will redirect the request near the Immigration Office (for the stay permit part).
The Hosting Agreement procedure is still possible for agreed institutions, it is not yet integrated in the Single Permit procedure.
07-01-2019 - Employment of foreign nationals living in specific conditions of stay
07-01-2019 - Asylum: list van secure countries of origin
The Council of Ministers has approved a draft list of secure countries of origin in the framework of the law on foreigners. The list should be: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yougoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, India, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia.
See French and Dutch versions for more on this issue.
07-03-2018 - Bilateral Social Security treaty
Belgium has signed a bilateral Social Security treaty with Kosovo.
Check the Social Security website (in French or Dutch
) for more.
02-03-2018 - Blue Card
In addition to this website, on the Blue Card, you can also consult the EU
Immigration Portal: https://immigration-portal.ec.europa.eu/eu-blue-card_en .
20-04-2017 - Court of Justice of the European Union
Judgment in Case C-544/15 Sahar Fahimian vs. Bundesrepublik Deutschland
The national authorities may refuse, for reasons of public security, to grant to an Iranian national with a degree from a university subject to restrictive measures a visa for study in a sensitive field such as information technology security.
26-06-2016 - Exemption from the payment of the special fee for visa request for students and researchers receiving a fellowship
11-05-2016 - New rules to attract non-EU students, researchers and interns to the EU