
Onderzoeksproject PX/8/LP/11 (Onderzoeksactie PX)

Personen :

  • Prof.  VANDER SLOTEN Jos - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
    Coördinator van het project
    Betoelaagde Belgische partner
    Duur: 1/1/2005-31/12/2007
  • Prof. dr.  CARMELIET Geert - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
    Niet-betoelaagde Belgische partner
    Duur: 1/1/2005-31/12/2007

Beschrijving :

High Frequency, Low Amplitude Mechanical Stimulation is investigated as a Countermeasure for Bone Loss in Astronauts. Trabecular bone cores are tested in a dedicated loaded and perfused bioreactor. Under microgravity conditions, the effect of mechanical stimulation is compared in loaded and perfused samples versus non-loaded (only perfused) samples.

Verhaert Space designs and builds the FreqBone flight hardware and one ground control experimental model based on the requirements of the Leuven team.

Satellite(s) or flight opportunity(ies):

- FreqBone on FOTON-M3 in 2007

Field of research:

Life Science: Molecular and Cell Biology